Social and Professionnal Interaction in English : face-to-face Communication at Conferences and Events (during intersemesters)

attention.jpg This module is for doctoral students, researchers and teachers in all disciplines.

Would you like to feel more confident when interacting in English in social and professional situations? Establish and maintain an academic and professional network in an international environment, for developing your career and establishing contacts? This module is for you!

Learning outcomes

  • Greeting and introductions (formal and informal),
  • Initiate, maintain and conclude a conversation and move on
  • Talk concisely and effectively about one's research
  • Ask effective questions and respond to questions (formal and informal)
  • Invite and accept/decline an invitation
  • Express opinions, tell stories
  • Understand verbal and visual clues (e.g. body language)


Interactive workshop with a theoretical and language part followed by role plays and discussion. The focus is on interacting at conferences and professional events.

Practical information

Pre-registration period Only for intersemester courses Important dates
Dates Winter intersemester
Monday February 3, 2025
Duration One day 8 periods/day (9:00-16:30)
Required levl From B1/B2 Level descriptor
Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community With a few exceptions All information
Fees for this specific module UNIL doctoral students
UNIL researchers
UNIL teaching staff
CHF 72.-
CHF 96.-
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