Tremplin grants


The aim of the Tremplin grant is to increase the number of women eligible to apply for professorships. It enables female researchers at the University of Lausanne, wishing to pursue an academic career, to free up time to develop their scientific portfolio (research, publications, study abroad, etc.).

The subsidy enables beneficiaries to be replaced - in particular to relieve themselves of teaching, supervisory and administrative duties - or to be seconded in technical research tasks, so that they can devote themselves essentially to their research.

  • Maximum amount : CHF 25,000.
  • Maximum duration of subsidy : 12 months
  • Possibility of mentoring

Target groups

Women in non-stabilized post-doctoral positions who are pursuing an academic career, in particular first assistants, master assistants and assistant professors.

  • By way of exception, female PhD holders in other academic positions with a proven desire to pursue an academic career may be eligible for the subsidy, provided their application meets the measure's aim of accelerating their career and access to the professoriate.

Tremplin Grants 2024

Application deadline: September 6, 2024

Applications must be sent by e-mail to

The application must include the following documents :

  • A cover letter describing the applicant's background, ambitions and future prospects
  • CV with list of publications
  • A completed, dated and signed application form provided by the Bureau de l'Egalité (LINK)
  • A letter of recommendation
  • Any other relevant documents

Selection procedure

Submitted dossiers are evaluated by the professorial members of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Commission, who rank them according to the following criteria:


  • Quality of the application (CV and project planned for the grant period) ;
  • Motivation for an academic career and the impact of the research developed during the grant period on the applicant's future career;
  • The feasibility and nature of the discharge or technical support in relation to a coherent budget, as well as the support of the unit to which the applicant belongs. For CHUV researchers, a significant financial commitment from the employing institution is required.

On this basis, the Rectorate awards the subsidies within the limits of the annual amount available. For the 2024 edition, the amount of the Tremplin subsidy allocated by the Rectorate is CHF 100,000.

For further information

Tremplin grants rules (in French)
Information for budgeting purposes (in French)


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Pierre Simon-Vermot
Equal Opportunities Office

Tél. + 41 (21) 692 23 22





Vieux Pressoir  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 59