This SwissSIMS winter school aims to provide advanced knowledge on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) instrumentation and applications in geosciences. During the school, students will attend lessons on SIMS theory, isotope mass spectrometry, standard calibration, data reduction and error propagation as well as practical sessions. Various application examples will be given by SwissSIMS researchers. One invited SIMS expert will give a short course on a research topic approached from a SIMS perspective, like geochronology, volcanology, cosmochemistry or geobiology. During the week, students in small groups will have the opportunity of to follow a basic training on tuning the instrument as well as the possibility of preparing one SIMS mount with a specific material and and analyzing it/them for isotope analyses. Particular sessions on sample preparation protocols and characterization of the surface will be included and students will use the laboratory equipment. A lab tour will be also a part if the course and will include other laboratories in the Centre of Advance Surface Analyses (CASA, NanoSIMS, cryo SEM and Electronic Microprobe). Exercises on standard calibration, data reduction and error propagation as well as sample preparation will be part of the course.