Procedure in case of exposure to biological fluids

In case of injury or mucosal projection involving blood or other biological fluids, it is important to assess the situation as quickly as possible in order to take adequate preventive measures.

We consider an exposure to blood or biological fluids in the following cases:

  • Breaking of the skin barriers, such as needle sting, cut or bite with contact with blood or biological fluids
  • Projection on a mucous membrane (eyes, mouth) with blood or other biological fluids
  • Contact of skin already injured (wounds, abrasions, dermatitis) with blood or biological fluids


Contact of biological liquids on healthy skin
is not considered to present a risk.


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Download the procedure in case of exposure to biological fluids



Annexe Mouline  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 25 70
Fax +41 21 692 25 75