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HUB entrepreneurship and innovation UNIL

Last news
16 projects from phase 1 of the UCreate program pitched to a jury
Discover the 9 jury members, experts in different fields, whose mission is to select the projects that will move on to phase 2 of the program.
Discover the 9 projects selected for phase 2 of our UCreate program
This new cohort includes students, researchers, professors, alumni and collaborators from 4 UNIL faculties.
End of program for the 8th UCreate cohort !
Pitch session and celebration around a festive aperitif took place at the Villanova to mark the end of the UCreate adventure for the 10 projects in phase 2 of the program.
Rejoignez le programme Impulse pour donner vie à vos idées
Impulse est dédié au personnel administratif et technique des services centraux et des facultés de l’UNIL. Ce programme en deux phases vous accompagne pour explorer et tester vos idées novatrices pour l’institution.
UCreate - Call for projects to join the fall 2024 session
Are you a student, researcher, professor, employee or alumni of UNIL ? Do you have an idea with a social and/or environmental impact ? Do you need support to turn it into reality ? Join the UCreate program !
Villanova - Route Cantonale 16  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 6145