
Real-time barometer | Annual reports

Real-time barometer

OA rate

Definition of each type of Open Access:

  • Gold: publication immediately available in OA (at the time of publication) in its published version. For articles, this refers to publications in pure Gold OA journals (all articles in the journal are OA).
  • Hybrid: publication immediately available in OA (at the time of publication) in its published version. Distinguished from Gold by the fact that the journal (for articles) or book (for chapters) also publishes subscription content that is not openly available.
  • Green and Green (embargo): publication available in OA often after an embargo period and in a version previous to the published one (in most cases the postprint, or the author's version accepted but not formatted by the publisher). These publications are found exclusively in institutional repositories, such as Serval, or thematic repositories.
  • Bronze: publications initially accessible by subscription or payment that are made open on the publisher's site after a period of time. These publications are not strictly Open Access, as they do not allow sharing or reuse. In addition, the publisher may at any time decide to close access to these works. We also consider OA bronze when a record has no DOI (and therefore cannot be enriched with Unpaywall data, but the Open Access box has been ticked in Serval).
  • Closed: publications accessible by subscription or paywall.
  • The OA rate analysis is performed by enriching the data in Serval with the Unpaywall database.
  1. Serval data is retrieved once a day.
  2. The data is enriched with Open Access data from Unpaywall for records with a perennial identifier, DOI.
  3. The data is imported and processed in Tableau software.
  4. A calculation is performed on each record in Tableau to assign it an OA status:


[UPW Oa Status]= Result obtained from Unpaywall.
[Withresource]= Boolean variable indicating the presence (1, TRUE) or absence (0, FALSE) of a full text in SERVAL.
[Document principal disponible?]= Boolean variable indicating whether the embargo on the main document in SERVAL has been exceeded (1, TRUE) or not (0, FALSE).


if  [UPW Oa Status] = "gold" then "Gold"
ELSEIF [UPW Oa Status]="hybrid" THEN "Hybrid"
ELSEIF [UPW Oa Status]="bronze" THEN "Bronze"
ELSEIF [UPW Oa Status]="green" THEN "Green"
ELSEIF [UPW Oa Status]="closed" AND [Withresource]="N" THEN "Closed"
ELSEIF [UPW Oa Status]="closed" AND [Withresource]="Y" AND [Document principal disponible?]="N" THEN "Green (Embargo)"
ELSEIF [UPW Oa Status]="closed" AND [Withresource]="Y" AND [Document principal disponible?]="Y" THEN "Green"
ELSEIF IFNULL([UPW Oa Status],"closed")="closed" AND [Withresource]="Y" AND [Document principal disponible?]="N" THEN "Green (Embargo)"
ELSEIF IFNULL([UPW Oa Status],"closed")="closed" AND [Withresource]="Y" AND [Document principal disponible?]="Y" THEN "Green"
ELSEIF IFNULL([UPW Oa Status],"closed")="closed" AND [Withresource]="N" AND [openAccess]="true" THEN "Bronze"
ELSEIF IFNULL([UPW Oa Status],"closed")="closed" AND [Withresource]="N" THEN "Closed"

  1. These results can then be filtered and viewed by year of publication, faculty, type of publication, etc. (information from Serval).

Annual reports

Open Access books

The data concerning the UNIL books published in Open Access with the support of the SNSF were collected from the SNSF P3 database .

Open Access support

PDF downloads in SERVAL

Due to the migration to Google Analytics 4 in July 2023, involving adjustments aimed at enhancing user data protection, it is difficult to guarantee with certainty the application of the same filters to the statistics. Therefore, it is recommended, as usual, to consider these data as indicative for observing trends rather than as absolute values.

The tracking of downloads in Serval is done by Google Analytics . The data is filtered by Google Analytics to eliminate automatic download bots.

The Google Analytics data is imported and combined with Serval data in Tableau.

The figures displayed in the report correspond to the PDFs downloaded from Serval (excluding automatic download bots) for full texts and are displayed in reverse chronological order. A dynamic graph can be viewed on the Serval section of the Open Science website.

Normalised downloads (download/PDFs) are also shown to compare different types of publications and their average usage. The calculation (total number of downloads divided by the number of PDFs in Serval) is made for each type of publication.

The increase (in %) refers is calculated with respect to the previous year.

This value does not show the distribution of the number of downloads.

The top five UNIL/CHUV most downloaded works

This list is generated by ranking works published in a given year (all types) by their number of downloads in that same year.