
Summer and Winter Schools | Winter 2024 | Summer 2024

Summer and Winter Schools

UNIL d'un jour

The University of Lausanne organises and hosts various summer and winter schools throughout the year. The courses available are listed below with some information and a link to the more complete dedicated pages for each course. Our website is regularly updated, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Winter 2024

GLOBE International Relations - 15-19 January 2024

Located in a historical resort of the Swiss Alps, the GLOBE winter school in International Relations provides a unique environment for PhD students intending to situate themselves within the IR discipline. Our focus on recent epistemological advances in non-positivist scholarship delivers expertise through tailor-made roundtables, PhD presentations, walk & talk sessions and collective readings.

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Summer 2024

Esthétique et philosophie de l'art - 27-31 mai 2024

À la fois morceau de la doctrine philosophique de G.W.F. Hegel et slogan pour signifier les ruptures esthétiques majeures des XXe et XXIe siècles, « la fin de l’art » constitue une excellente porte d’entrée pour penser la délimitation de ce qui fait art ou non, les rapports de l’art et du beau, l’historicité et l’actualité de l’art ou encore le statut du discours esthétique. La fin de l’art a été l’occasion de réflexions très vives sur les ready made, le pop art, l’art contemporain et ultra contemporain, soupçonné de faire triompher « l’esthétique » et ses atmosphères. Le problème sera ici posé sans cadre chronologique préétabli et sans privilégier tel art sur un autre.

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Transposition ludique - 5-7 juin 2024

Cette école d'été entend familiariser les participant·e·s avec les enjeux, les outils et les méthodes de la médiation de contenus scientifiques au travers de dispositifs ludiques.

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Transdisciplinary Nature Conservation - 10-14 June 2024

The “Transdisciplinary Nature Conservation: The science and practice of Red Listing, planning and monitoring for biodiversity” course is designed for young biologists who would like to understand and use practical conservation tools to conserve nature. During the course, we will use the IUCN Red List methodology, species monitoring and ecological niche modeling methodologies and place species conservation in the wider social-ecological system and conservation policy contexts.

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Elites, Power and Inequalities - 16-21 June 2024

The summer school “Elites, Power and Inequalities” aims to become a meeting point of young scholars in this emerging interdisciplinary research field studying elites and the super-rich. Lectures given by leading experts will cover new theoretical and empirical issues such as wealth inequality, elite lifestyles, internationalisation of elites, race and elites or women in positions of power.

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Médiévalismes engagés / Engaged Medievalisms - 24-27 juin 2024

Pour sa troisième édition, l’école d’été médiévaliste de l’Université de Lausanne propose d’étudier les remplois engagés et militants du Moyen Âge: récupérations politiques, manifestations culturelles, problématiques sociales.

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For its third year, the summer school "Engaged Medievalisms" at the University of Lausanne will be looking at how the Middle Ages were used for political purposes, cultural manifestations and social issues.

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Undergraduate Research Programme in Biology and Medicine - 3 July-28 August 2024

During eight weeks in July and August, the SUR (Summer Undergraduate Research Programme) hosts about 15 Bachelor students with both biological and medical studies background from around the world, including one or two from Lausanne. Each participant will perform an individual research project in a different laboratory of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine.

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Langues de l'Orient - 4-13 juillet 2024

L’Université d’été en Langues de l’Orient est une occasion unique d’aborder des langues et des écritures souvent qualifiées de rares, même si elles sont parlées ou ont été parlées par des millions de locuteurs, et ce, sous forme de cours majeurs et de cours mineurs. Cette école d’été propose des enseignements de très haut niveau ainsi que les résultats les plus récents de la recherche en langues et littératures orientales, en offrant des crédits ECTS après validation.

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European Summer School of Criminology - 19-23 August 2024

The European Society of Criminology is known for its global influence in sharing knowledge and promoting criminology as a science, fostering a strong academic community. The Society has introduced the European Summer School on Criminology to enhance the education of emerging scholars and lay a solid foundation for the next generation of European criminologists and their networks.

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Forensic Science and Criminology - 26-29 August 2024

The ESC doctoral program brings together PhD students of the School of Criminal Justice (Ecole des Sciences Criminelles - ESC, University of Lausanne) as well as any PhD students from a university delivering a PhD in forensic science or criminology. The aim of the programme is to allow PhD students to develop their network as well as cross-disciplinary skills to successfully conduct their research and prepare them for their professional career. This objective is achieved by offering specialized workshops and activities in the frame of a summer school. The proposed activities promote the active participation of the PhD students, for example by allowing them to present their work through lectures or poster sessions. Professors from the École des Sciences Criminelles as well as a few invited foreign speakers will be present at the Summer School to engage with doctoral students and give feedback.

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Château de Dorigny - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 20