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French as a foreign language

Conditions valid for 2025.

The following texts are provided for information only. Only the Regulations governing the programmes and curricula offered by the’École de français langue étrangère (EFLE) are authentic. You will find them on the EFLE website.

Any non-French speaker who does not hold a qualification recognised for matriculation at UNIL may sit the preliminary entrance examination for the School of French as a Foreign Language. The School is authorised to define two levels of pass, one giving the right to follow the Preparatory Year programme and the other the Diploma course.

Please note: A2 level in French is the minimum requirement.

Description of the examination

Evaluations and procedures
The entrance examination covers the following disciplines:

Examination disciplines Terms and conditions

French edition


Knowledge of language I A: Morphology and spelling


Knowledge of language I B: Listening comprehension


Knowledge of language II: Lexicon and syntax


Presentation on a personal topic*


Reading explained*


French and francophone culture*


* You must obtain at least an average of 3.5 out of 6 in the written evaluations to be able to take the oral evaluations.

Detailed examination programme

More information about the programme, as well as sample questions, can be found on the homepage of the School of French as a foreign language.

Registration conditions

The conditions for admission are set out in the regulations governing the programmes offered by the School of French as a foreign language, available on the website.

How to register with the School

In addition to registering with UNIL's Registrar's Office, you must also register with the School of French as a Foreign Language.


Your application must be submitted by 30 April prior to the summer session in which you wish to sit the preliminary examination.

French as a foreign language.

As a reminder, you must also register with the UNIL Registrar's Office by 30 April prior to the summer session in which you wish to sit the preliminary examination.

Composition of the application

All the information about enrolling with the French language school can be found on their website.

Eligibility period

In accordance with Article 9 of the Directive 3.16 on Preliminary Entrance Examinations for University Baccalaureate Courses in UNIL Faculties, successful completion of the preliminary entrance examination entitles the candidate to admission to the faculty for 2 years from the autumn semester immediately following the examination session.

Faculty contacts

Secretarial office
School of French as a foreign language
Anthropole - office 2094
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 692 30 80

Subject to change. Only regulatory texts are authentic.
Last update: June 2024