Many factors can influence the conditions in which your doctorate will unfold. A good relationship with your supervisor, clear and realistic goals, time management and work discipline are among the most important factors.
The Graduate Campus offers a workshop "Getting your thesis off to a good start" covering all these topics. You can also find useful information and tips in our guide of the same name, available as a PDF below.
More useful information and tips can be found in the following brochure from ACIDUL, the Association of Mid-level staff and PhD Students of UNIL.
The Code of Practice for the Doctorate was drawn up by the Junior Academic Staff Committee and approved by the Executive Board in November 2013. This document highlights the active roles and shared responsibilities of doctoral students and their supervisors in doctoral supervision in order to create a working climate conducive to the successful completion of the thesis. If you have any questions or would like to receive a paper version of the charter, please do not hesitate to contact: Dr Mélanie Bosson and Dr Pauline Fritsch,
Available as a paperback (just email us to request your copy)
Throughout your thesis, do not hesitate to contact the Graduate Campus to request an appointment to discuss the supervision of your thesis.
In any kind of situation of distress, crisis, or conflict, the first action is to talk to someone. Whether with a colleague, a friend, or a UNIL office, talk about what you are going through with someone who will either help you directly or direct you to other relevant people.
At UNIL, you can contact any of the following services or persons for free:
Graduate Campus
tel: +41 021 692 21 29
UNIL Association of PhD candidates and intermediate staff (postdoc) or one of the faculty associations (see below).
Psychological Support (first consultation for free ; available in English, Italian or French)
Consultation at the Health Permanence
Tél. +41 021 692 25 77
No Stress webpage
Human Resources
Representative person of your faculty
Equal Opportunities Office (Bureau de l’égalité)
Tél. +41 021 692 20 59
Persons of Trust
Tél. +41 0800 800 303
Work and Study Climate Protection Officer
In situations of conflict, harassment or discrimination