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October 2018 - National Open Access Conference

National Open Access Conference

The first Swiss national conference on Open Access was co-organised by swissuniversities and UNIL on 26 October. Around 250 people attended this event

The Conference in the media

  1. Open access: le savoir appartient à tous
    Opinion, Angelika Kalt
    Le Temps, Thursday 1 November 2018
  2. Le libre accès, une voie semée d’embûches
    Florian Delafoi
    Le Temps, Friday 26 October 2018

  3. Open Access Konferenz Schweiz 2018
    Christian Gutknecht, 31 October 2018

  4. Open Access bedeutet Enteingung der Verlage
    Gastkommentar, Dani Landolf
    Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 18 October 2018