UNIL is an institution governed by public law. It enjoys management autonomy but remains under the aegis of the Canton of Vaud with regard to its strategic orientation. It is organised in such a way as to ensure that its principal missions of research and teaching are fulfilled.
Among its tasks, the Rectorate is responsible for organising and directing the administration of the University, which is made up of units, offices and centres, while supervising that of the Faculties. It defines and implements UNIL's general and long-term policy and builds the structures needed to exploit the results of research.
Secrétaire général
Strategy Unit
Reception Desk and Degrees Office
Ecological Transition and Campus
Equality, Diversity and Careers
Human Resources
Functional unit
The governing body of UNIL is also a forum for debate and representation, discussing the running and management of the University and proposing improvements to campus life. Representatives represent the voice of every body at UNIL.
Each Faculty has a Dean and a Faculty Council. The division of responsibilities between the Dean's Office and the Faculty Council must reflect the division of responsibilities between the Rectorate and the University Council.
Each Dean's Office (chaired by a Dean) is made up of three to five members. The Deans (chosen from among the Faculty members) are appointed by the Rectorate on the recommendation of the Faculty Council. The other members are elected by the Faculty Council from among the Faculty's teaching staff on the proposal of the Deans.
The Faculty Council, for its part, is made up of elected representatives (teaching staff / intermediate staff / administrative and technical staff / student body) whosemain course of study is within the Faculty. The proportional representation of each body is comparable to that of the University Council. Each body elects its representatives separately from the others.
Professor Irene Becci
Dean's Office Theology and Religious Studies
UNIL - Dorigny
Anthropole - Office 2020
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 021 692 27 01
E-mail Irene.Becci@unil.ch
Professor Francesco Maiani
Dean's Office Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration
UNIL - Dorigny
Internef - Office 311
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 27 91
E-Mail doyen.fdca@unil.ch
Professor Danielle van Mal-Maeder
Dean's Office Arts
UNIL - Dorigny
Anthropole - Office 2056
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 01
E-mail DoyenneLettres@unil.ch
Professor Marianne Schmid Mast
Dean's Office HEC Lausanne
UNIL - Dorigny
Internef - Office 619
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 53
Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
E-mail Hecdoyen@unil.ch
Renaud du Pasquier
Dean's Office Biology and Medicine
UNIL - Bugnon
Rue du Bugnon 21 - Office 038
CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 50 15
E-mail doyen.fbm@unil.ch
Professor Torsten Vennemann
Dean's Office Geosciences and Environment
UNIL - Mouline
Géopolis - Office 4631
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 35 00
E-mail torsten.vennemann@unil.ch
At the start of each new term of office, the Rectorate sets up a number of separate advisory groups, whose main task is to support the Rectorate by contributing their advice and ideas to the achievement of the institution's strategic objectives.
Comprising three people from each of UNIL's professional bodies, the Staff Committee receives complaints and suggestions in complete confidentiality, provides a direct link to the Rectorate and assists you with any individual or collective professional difficulties. In short, its role is to act as a sounding board for dialogue between staff and the Rectorate.
The authority responsible for investigating and imposing disciplinary sanctions (warnings, suspensions and exclusions) on students and course attendees who breach the rules and practices of the University.