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Almost 500 years of history

1537–1798: the Academy of Lausanne, an institution of the Reformation

Following the conquest of the Pays de Vaud in 1536, the Bernese authorities decided to found a school in Lausanne to train pastors. The Schola Lausannensis would not take the name of Academy of Lausanne until some 50 years later.

During the 17th century, personalities such as Théodore de Bèze, Conrad Gessner and Pierre Viret contributed to the institution’s influence. Nonetheless, Their Excellencies in Bern did not look kindly on this spirit of openness, and there were regular tensions with the professors at the Academy throughout the 18th century. Vaud's independence would put an end to this dissent when the Bernese left the Pays de Vaud.

  • 1536 / Bernese invasion and Edict of Reformation.
  • 1537 / Foundation of the Schola Lausannensis, consisting of a college with six classes and a chair of Theology, with the aim of training the country's pastors and educating young people.
  • 1547 / First regulation of the Academy, the Leges Scholae Lausannensis, codifying partial or provisional ordinances. In addition to the seven progressive classes of the Latin college, four chairs make up the Academy: Theology, Liberal Arts, Greek and Hebrew philology.
  • 1552 / Théodore de Bèze is appointed Rector. The Academy of Lausanne is the only French-language Protestant School of Theology.
  • 1559 / First serious crisis. For both theoretical and political reasons, Pierre Viret (a pastor from Lausanne and the head of the institution) and his colleagues oppose the Bernese government. Viret is dismissed and his colleagues leave Lausanne.
  • 1558 / The number of students reaches around 700 people. The Waldensians of Lausanne, who are close to Calvinist doctrine, come into conflict with the Bernese sovereigns, who are followers of Zwingli. Théodore de Bèze gives up his mission and joins Calvin in Geneva.
  • 1587 / Inauguration of the building of the Academy (as seen on the Plan Buttet, the first accurate representation of the City of Lausanne in 1638).
  • 1616 / A new law, the Reformatio, establishes an Academic Council responsible for overseeing the Bernese colleges and appointing the Rector. The duties of professors are strictly limited.
  • 1675 / The evangelical cantons require pastors to sign the Formula consensus helvetica, a bulwark against all innovation and divergence.
  • 1700 / The Academic Regulation of 26 January reinforces the previous ones and also provides for the appointment of four curators, chosen in Bern from among the members of the Board.
  • 1708 / Creation of a Chair of Law and History.
  • 1722 / The members of the Academy are forced to sign the Formula consensus helvetica. One professor and four students refuse to sign. The humiliation is total. The number of students drops by half in the following years.
  • 1723 / Major Davel's solitary attempt at an uprising to liberate the Pays de Vaud from the Bernese occupiers. With no popular base and betrayed by the aristocrats on the Lausanne Council, Davel is arrested and executed on 24 April.
  • 1741 / The Bernese abolish public classes delivered in French at the Hôtel de Ville, as well as the teaching of history. New (and final) regulation from Bern: the Academy comprises nine ordinary professors (creation of a chair of Physics and one of History, with teaching in French), an extraordinary professor of medicine and the first two pastors of Lausanne.
  • 1789 / French Revolution.
  • 1791 / The 'Banquets Campaign', intended to celebrate the storming of the Bastille and the escape of Louis XVI, is particularly virulent in Lausanne. Bern sends occupying troops to settle in the city. For several years, lessons will only be given at teachers' homes.
  • 1798 / The independence of Vaud is declared on 24 January. The Bernese leave the Pays de Vaud.

1798–1890: Enlightenment and independence – towards the University

The Academy continued to develop within the canton of Léman, the future canton of Vaud. It suffered the consequences of the introduction of new laws on public education, which struggled to be applied. In 1837, religious conflicts led to the secularisation of the Academy, separating teaching (now delivered in French) into three faculties, each of which could award a degree. Academic freedom to choose courses was officially recognised.

The 1840s would be marked by brilliant teaching but also a very close link between academia and the liberal regime. The separation of church and state (1847), the birth of modern Switzerland (1848), a new Constitution (1861) and a new Education Act (1869) gave the Academy the legal status it needed to become a University in 1890. At that time, it had 300 students, including some female students, for the first time in its history.

  • 1798 / Introduction of the canton of Léman into the Helvetic Republic.
  • 1803 / Act of Mediation and entry of the canton of Vaud into the Confederation.
  • 1806 / Law of 28 May on public education in the canton of Vaud. An Academic Council supervises education at all levels (primary, secondary and academic). The three lecture theatres planned for literature, philosophy and theology (intended to combine around 100 students under 14 chairs) often remain unoccupied due to a lack of teachers.
  • 1821–1829 / Religious conflicts. The government legislates on worship, while professors – such as Alexandre Vinet – defend freedom of religion.
  • 1830 / Following the July revolution in Paris, a large gathering of petitioners (in unison with European liberation and national movements) in Lausanne forces the Vaudois government to capitulate.
  • 1831 / The Constituent Assembly establishes a new Constitution, which suppresses the electoral franchise and introduces universal suffrage.
  • 1837 / The law of 21 December on the Academy would profoundly transform the institution. Its aim is to train men for careers requiring higher education, and to maintain a scientific and literary culture in the country. Now secularised, it loses its ecclesiastical character and the powers held for almost three centuries.
    Teaching is split between three faculties: Arts and Sciences, Philosophy and Law, each of which can award a Bachelor's degree. The number of professorships is increased to 17, and a gramma school covers the transition from secondary school to higher education.
    The academic freedom to choose courses is officially recognised.
  • 1839–1845 / This period is marked by the well-attended courses of Sainte-Beuve, Adam Mickiewicz, Alexandre Vinet, Charles Secrétan and Juste Olivier, but also by the very close links forged between the two schools. There were also very close ties between the Academy and the ruling Liberal regime (professors Charles Monnard, François Pidou and André Gindroz succeed each other as president of the Grand Council). Public opinion readily refers to the "professors' regime" as a way of characterising the Liberal government, and has difficulty in accepting excessive spending on an Academy that is more Lausanne-based than Vaud-based.
  • 1845 / The conflict between Liberals and Radicals reaches its peak with the "Jesuits' Affair" in Luzern and culminates in the February Revolution, which places the Radicals and their leader Henri Druey at the head of a provisional government. Professors Édouard and Charles Secrétan oppose the new Vaud government in virulent articles in the Courrier suisse, a liberal publication that stigmatises the radical positions of the Nouvelliste.
  • 1847 / Following the suspension of 40 pastors by the State Countil (followed by threats to dismiss other ministers) a schism leasd to the creation of the Free Church, independent of the State.
  • 1848 / Constitution of the Free State, following the Sonderbund civil war.
  • 1853 / Foundation of the École spéciale de Lausanne (the future Engineering School), based on the model of the École centrale de Paris.
  • 1861–1862 / New Vaud Constitution, which notably entails the creation of the Department of Education and Religious Affairs.
  • 1869 / New law on higher education. Four faculties are set up: Arts, Sciences, Law and Philosophy. The École spéciale is also integrated into the Academy as the Technical Faculty. The Academy now adds doctoral degres to the licentiate and engineering degrees from these five faculties.
  • 1873 / Creation of the School of Pharmacy.
  • 1874 / New Federal Constitution. Lausanne becomes the seat of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.
  • 1876 / Bertha Schatzmann (a student of pharmacy) is the first woman enrolled at the Academy of Lausanne.
  • 1886 / Clémence Broye, Catherine Belokopitoff, Olga Kowalewsky and Henriette Teding van Berkhout, students in medical sciences, follow.
  • 1890 / Creation of the Faculty of Medicine and the Act of 10 May on higher public education, which gives the Academy the status and name of University. Alexandre Maurer, Professor of Comparative Literature, is the last Rector of the former Academy and the first Rector of the new University of Lausanne.

1890–1968: the University of Lausanne, Vaud's University of Applied Sciences

A new era has dawned, with the University finally boasting its first female graduates and PhDs. It moves towards developing its current structure with the creation of various colleges and the introduction of holiday courses for its 1,000 students. During the First and Second World Wars, it welcomed war internees into its student body.

In September 1963, the Grand Council granted the State Council a credit of CHF 22 million for the acquisition of the Dorigny property, which would later house the campus of the same name.

  • 1891 / In May, the streets of Lausanne come alive for several days to mark the University's inaugural celebrations.
  • 1893 / Inauguration of the School of Physics and Chemistry on Place du Château.
  • 1894 / Charlotte Wedell, a maths graduate, is the first woman to be awarded a Bachelor's degree from the University. In 1896, she becomes the first woman to be awarded a doctorate.
  • 1896 / Léonie Jolivet, a graduate in physical and natural sciences, is the second woman to be awarded a Bachelor's degree.
  • 1897 / Charlotte de Mayer becomes the first woman to obtain a doctorate in medicine from the University of Lausanne.
  • 1895 / Creation of holiday courses for non French-speaking students, attached to the Faculty of Arts.
  • 1901 / Creation of the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSP), attached to the Faculty of Law.
  • 1902 / Creation of the School of Modern French, attached to the Faculty of Arts.
  • 1904 / Marie Feyler became the first Vaudoise to graduate from the Faculty of Medicine.
  • 1906 / Inauguration of the Palais de Rumine, built thanks to a donation from former student Gabriel de Rumine.
  • 1909 / Rodolphe Archibald Reiss secures the creation of the Institute of Forensic Science, attached to the Faculty of Law. The University of Lausanne thus becomes the first institution in the world to provide university-level education in this field.
  • 1910 / The number of students reaches 1,000, a figure that would not be surpassed until the end of the Second World War.
  • 1911 / Creation of the School of Business and Economic (HEC), attached to the Faculty of Law.
  • 1914–1918 / First World War.
  • 1916 / Act of 15 May on higher education at the University of Lausanne (which remains in force until 1977).
  • 1924 / Reduction of the University budget by one tenth. Initiatives calling for the creation of a University of French-speaking Switzerland.
  • 1937 / Celebration of the institution's 400th anniversary. As part of this, and despite the atrocities of the Fascist regime, the University awards an honorary doctorate to Benito Mussolini.
  • 1939–1945 / Second World War.
  • 1946 / The Engineering School becomes the École polytechnique de l’Université de Lausanne (EPUL) and gains independent status.
  • 1954 / In the midst of the Cold War, Professor André Bonnard is accused of spying for the USSR. His lengthy trial results in a light sentence, due to a lack of incriminating evidence.
  • 1960 / The number of male and female students reaches 1,700.
  • 1964 / National Exhibition in Lausanne. Located in Vidy, the Expo64 pavilions showcase the ambitious planning of the campus, focusing on the lake.
  • 1965 / Report of the study commission for the development of the University of Lausanne. The report's conclusions confirm that the Dorigny site, together with a number of neighbouring plots of land, is well suited to the development of the future campus.

1968–2000: campuses, autonomy and openness

The creation of the Rectorate and the adoption of the University Master Plan by the State Council took place in an atmosphere of student protest. UNIL began its redevelopment at Dorigny: the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s saw the inauguration of various buildings and the number of students double and then triple to reach 9,000.

In 1991, the TSOL facilitated access to the campus. The last two years of the century were marked by weeks of strike action against the economic plan decided by the government, as well as the start of the Bologna process and major cooperation projects between UNIL, UNIGE and EPFL.

  • 1968 / Protests and demonstrations in Lausanne in response to the May events in Paris and the student unrest in Europe. In June, the government adopts a provisional decree establishing a Rectorate, as well as the Master Plan for the University.
  • 1969 / EPUL becomes EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne). Work on the Dorigny site progresses under the supervision of architect Guido Cocchi, head of the Building Office of the University of Lausanne-Dorigny (BUD).
  • 1970 / The University begins its move to Dorigny and inaugurates the Preparatory College building (the future Amphipôle). The number of students reaches 3,000.
  • 1973 / Inauguration of the Physical Sciences building (BSP, the future Cubotron).
  • 1977 / Higher Education Act, which grants the University independent status. Inauguration of the Faculty of Humanities Building I (BFSH I, the future Internef).
  • 1982 / The Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire (BCU) and the University's central administration move to Dorigny, to the Central building (BC, the future Unithèque) and the Rectorate and Administration building (BRA, the future Unicentre) respectively. Inauguration of the CHUV building.
  • 1983 / Inauguration of the Biology building (BB, the future Biophore).
  • 1987 / 450th anniversary celebrations. Inauguration of the BFSH II (Anthropole).
  • 1991 / Inauguration of the School of Pharmacy building (BEP, the future Génopode).
  • 1991 / Commissioning of the South-west Lausanne Tramway (TSOL), which will become the M1 from 2000.
  • 1995 / Inauguration of the Chemistry building (BCH, the future Batochimie).
  • 1996 / The number of students passes 9,000.
  • 1997 / In April, UNIL is hit by a three-week strike, in protest against the Orchidée economic programme adopted by the government.
  • 1998 / Launch of the Bologna process, initiated by the Sorbonne Declaration of 25 May 1998. The same year also sees the launch of the cooperation and development project between the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the University of Lausanne and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).

The 2000s: UNIL today? Sciences, life, society and more

In the early 2000s, the university landscape in French-speaking Switzerland underwent profound changes. The fundamental sciences (maths, physics and chemistry) were transferred to EPFL and pharmacy was firmly established in Geneva, while UNIL focused on life sciences, with a view to strengthening and sharing skills.

The former Faculties of Science and Medicine were replaced by the Faculty of Geociences and Environment (FGSE) and the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM). The latter is mandated by UNIL and CHUV to carry out all research and teaching activities in the fields of biology and medicine.

In October 2005, the Bologna Process came into force in all UNIL faculties, which now offered University Baccalaureate or Bachelor's degree programmes.

From the start of the 2010 academic year, UNIL broke new ground at national level with the introduction of a part-time course for all its Master's programmes. Ambitious innovations and inaugurations would mark the years that followed until 2020 and the acquisition of the Vortex, making Dorigny a place to live 24 hours a day.

  • 2002 / The number of students exceeds 10,000.
  • 2003 / Creation of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine and the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment following the transfer to EPFL of the Institute of Mathematics and the Physics section of the former Faculty of Science.
  • 2004 / New law (adopted by the Grand Council on 6 July), strategic vision (re-digested in September), Charter (plenary vote by the Senate on 25 November) see the light of day. The Geneva-Lausanne School of Pharmacy (EPGL), based in Geneva, results from the merger of the Pharmacy sections of the two Universities. Constitution of the Federation of the Faculties of Theology of Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel (the Triangle Azur), with a view to adopting the Bologna process by providing a joint Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in theology.
  • 2005 / Entry into force of the UNIL-CHUV Regulations within a framework designed for greater clarity and efficiency. The necessary resources are allocated to the FBM by the two mandating institutions. The Centre for Integrative Genomics (CIG) of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, based in the former pharmacy building, is inaugurated. As part of a joint project between the Confederation, the Swiss Bankers Association and a number of Swiss universities, the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) is created. 2005 also sees the creation of UNIL's new visual identity.
  • 2007 / Inauguration on 4 June of the Center for Biomedical Imaging Centre (CIBM), the result of a joint effort by UNIL, EPFL, UNIGE, CHUV and HUG (Geneva University Hospitals). In parallel, the Swiss Foundation for Social Science Research (FORS) is created in Lausanne.
  • 2009 / Launch of the optional programme (Sciences)2, aimed at students in the humanities and social sciences wishing to delve into unfamiliar territory in the natural sciences. The universities of the Triangle Azur (UNIL, UNIGE and UniNE) sign a partnership to redouble and intensify their collaboration in the fields of theory and religious studies. A UNIL-EPFL agreement launches the Lausanne University Centre for Finance, which brings together the teaching and research units of the Faculty of Business and Economics at UNIL and the Management College at EPFL.
  • 2010 / UNIL passes the milestone of 12,000 students, welcoming no fewer than 3,000 new people in September. An agreement gives rise to the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR@UNIL), expanding and strengthening Lausanne's research in this field.
  • 2012 / The year is marked architecturally by some very visible new buildings on the UNIL campus. Adjacent to the motorway, vast and bright, the Géopolis building houses the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment.
  • 2014 / UNIL strengthens its offering in the field of humanities and social sciences by integrating the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) into its Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration. The integration of part of the academic activities of the Kurt Bösch University Institute (IUKB, Sion) provides an opportunity to launch an innovative training course in tourism studies through a new Master's degree.
  • 2020 / The Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020 take place from 9 to 22 January and UNIL is heavily involved as an institutional partner. It is home to the Vortex building, the host site of the Olympic Village, which will become a housing facility for students from September 2020. In March, the campus is closed for health reasons linked to COVID-19.
  • 2023 / State visit by French President Emmanuel Macron. With Alain Berset (in the last month of his term of office), the two heads of state discusss Europe and the climate with 1,400 spectators, a large proportion of whom are students who have come to ask them questions.

Personalities from the University of Lausanne

  • Barbeyrac, Jean (1674–1744), lawyer and professor of history and civil law.
  • de Bèze, Théodore (1519–1605), protestant theologian and professor of Greek.
  • Boninsegni, Pasquale (1869–1939), economics professor (a committed Fascist, he played a central role in the award of Mussolini's honorary doctorate).
  • Bonnard, André (1888–1959), writer, professor and Dean.
  • Chavannes, Daniel-Alexandre (1765–1846), pastor, member of the Grand Council and professor of zoology.
  • Chuard, Ernest (1857–1942), professor of chemistry, head of the Department of Public Education and Worship (DIPC), Federal Councillor.
  • Cocchi, Guido (1928–2010), BUD architect.
  • Cordier, Mathurin (1479–1564), theologian, teacher, humanist and pedagogue, master at the Academy and director of the Lausanne School (Switzerland).
  • de Crousaz, Jean Pierre (1663–1750), mathematician and philosophy professor.
  • Curione, Celio Secondo (1503–1569), professor.
  • Decoppet, Camille (1862–1925), head of the DIPC, Federal Councillor.
  • Dubochet, Jacques (1942), winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017.
  • Diggelmann, Heidi (1936–2022), biology professor, committed to promoting women in research.
  • Fischer, Hans (1881–1945), winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1930.
  • Forel, François-Alphone (1841–1912), professor of natural sciences, a pioneer in his field.
  • Gessner, Conrad (1516–1565), naturalist, polygraph, professor of Greek (1537–1540).
  • Gibbon, Edward (1737–1794), English historian and politician.
  • Hamburger, Erna (1911–1988), engineer and the first woman to be appointed full professor at a Swiss polytechnic. On numerous occasions throughout her life, she provided support to young people in difficulty. Her mission continues today thanks to the Erna Hamburger Foundation, whose aim is to provide direct or indirect material assistance to women pursuing postgraduate studies in the Canton of Vaud. The University of Lausanne paid tribute to her in 2003 by naming its largest auditorium in the Amphimax building after her.
  • Hernandez, Nouria (1957), professor of biology, first woman Rector of UNIL.
  • Hess, Walter Rudolf (1881–1973), winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1949.
  • Heymans, Corneille (1892–1968), winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1938.
  • Jost, Hans Ulrich (1940), professor of contemporary history.
  • Mickiewicz, Adam (1798–1855), poet, writer and professor of Latin literature.
  • Monnard, Charles (1790–1865), pastor, historian, member of the Grand Council, professor and Rector of the Academy.
  • Olivier, Franck (1869–1964), Chancellor and Rector.
  • Olivier, Juste (1807–1876), writer and history professor.
  • Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923), economics professor.
  • Piaget, Jean (1896–1980), psychologist.
  • Racine, Jean-Bernard (1940), geography professor.
  • Reiss, Rodolphe Archibald (1875–1929), criminal lawyer, founder of the Institute of Forensic Science at the University of Lausanne. His biography.
  • Reymond Arnold (1874–1958), professor of philosophy, Rector.
  • Roux, César (1857–1934), surgeon and professor.
  • Rubattel, Claire (1933–2012), as a lecturer in SSP, she delivered the first course in feminist studies in Lausanne.
  • Ruchat, Abraham (1780–1650), professor of rhetoric and graduate of the grammar school at the Academy of Lausanne.
  • Ruchonnet, Louis (1834–1893), head of the DIPC, Federal Councillor.
  • Ruffy, Eugène (1854–1919), head of the DIPC, Federal Councillor.
  • de Rumine, Gabriel (1841–1871), engineer, photographer and patron of the arts.
  • Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin (1804–1869), literary critic, writer and lecturer at the Academy of Lausanne.
  • Schatzmann Bertha, pharmacy student, the first woman to be enrolled at the Academy of Lausanne in 1876.
  • Secrétan, Charles (1815–1895), professor of philosophy and theologian.
  • de Senarclens, Pierre (1942), professor of international relations, former vice-president of the Swiss Red Cross, former director of the Human Rights and Peace Division at UNESCO, and one of the founders of the World Organisation Against Torture.
  • Tissot, Auguste (1728–1797), professor of medicine.
  • Vinet, Alexandre (1797–1847), theologian, philosopher, historian and professor.
  • Viret, Pierre (1510–1571), reformer, pastor and teacher at the Academy.
  • Vuilleumier, Henri (1846–1925), professor of theology and historian.
  • Walras, Léon (1834–1910), economics professor.
  • Wedell, Charlotte (born in 1869), first woman to be awarded a Bachelor's degree and doctorate at the University of Lausanne.
  • Wintsch, Jean (1880–1943), professor in SSP (opposed the award of an honorary doctorate to Mussolini).
  • Zewail, Ahmed (1946–2016), winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1999.
  • Zinkernagel, Rolf (1944), winner of the Nobel  Prize in Medicine in 1996.


  • Adulyadej, Bhumibol, (1927–2016), "Rama IX of Thailand", sovereign of Thailand.
  • Andrekson, Andres, (1977) "Stress" (1977).
  • Ansermet, Ernest (1883-1969), conductor and musicologist.
  • Blatter, Joseph, (1936) "Sepp Blatter", sports executive.
  • Cassis, Ignazio (1961), Federal Councillor.
  • Ceresole, Paul (1832–1905), Federal Councillor.
  • Chevallaz, Georges-André (1915–2002), Federal Councillor.
  • Chevallier, Samuel (1906–1969), author, journalist and writer.
  • Colomb, Catherine (1892–1965), author.
  • Couchepin, Pascal (1942), Federal Councillor.
  • Delamuraz, Jean-Pascal (1936–1998), Federal Councillor.
  • Druey, Henri (1799–1855), Federal Councillor.
  • Feyler, Marie (1865–1947), physician and feminist, first woman from Vaud to graduate from the Lausanne Faculty of Medicine in 1904.
  • Fornerod, Constantin (1819–1999), Federal Councillor.
  • Gebru, Senedu (1916–2009), Ethiopian teacher and politician.
  • Guisan, Henri (1874–1960), General and Commander-in-Chief of the Swiss army during the Second World War.
  • Huber, Max (1874–1960), lawyer, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
  • Jaccottet, Philippe (1925–2021), translator, writer and poet.
  • Kucholl, Vincent (1975), comedian, humorist and actor.
  • Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945), Italian dictator.
  • Nicollier, Claude (1944), astrophysicist and astronaut.
  • Piccard, Bertrand (1958), psychiatrist and explorer.
  • Pilet-Golaz, Marcel (1889–1958), Federal Councillor.
  • Ramuz, Charles Ferdinand (1878–1947), writer and poet.
  • Roud, Gustave (1897-1976), writer, poet and photographer.
  • Rubattel, Rodolphe (1896–1961), Federal Councillor.
  • Ruchet, Marc-Emile (1853–1912), Federal Councillor.
  • Ruffy, Victor (1823–1869), Federal Councillor.
  • Savimbi, Jonas (1934–2002), Angolan warlord.
  • Schütz, Roger (1915-2005), monk, founder of the Taizé Community.
  • Wiesel, Thomas (1989), humorist.
  • Yersin, Alexandre (1863–1943), physician who discovered the plague bacillus.


  • Delessert André, L’Université au défi. Une histoire sociale de l’Université de Lausanne, Lausanne: Payot, 1991.
  • De l’Académie à l’Université de Lausanne. 1537-1987. 450 ans d’histoire, Lausanne: Musée historique de l’Ancien-Evêché, 1987.
  • Crousaz Karine, L’Académie de Lausanne entre humanisme et réforme (ca. 1537-1560), Leiden: Brill, 2012.
  • Maillard Nadja (dir.), L’Université de Lausanne à Dorigny, Gollion: Infolio, 2013.
  • Tissot Laurent, Politics, society and higher education in the canton of Vaud. L’Université de Lausanne 1890-1916, Lausanne: Payot, 1996.
  • Robert Olivier (ed.), De la cité au campus. 40 ans de l’UNIL à Dorigny, Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.
  • Wisard François, L’Université vaudoise d’une guerre à l’autre. Politique, finances, refuge, Lausanne: Payot, 1998.
  • Site Dorigny40
  • Kiener Marc and Robert Olivier, Dictionnaire des professeurs de l’Académie de Lausanne (1537-1890), UNIL: Lausanne, 2005.
  • Panese Francesco and Robert Olivier, Dictionnaire des professeurs de l’Université de Lausanne, UNIL: Lausanne, 2000.
  • Série de portraits de femmes, De haute lutte, UNIL.
  • Historical dictionary of Switzerland.