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Università degli studi di Padova

Calls for joint projects

A survey of the international collaborations of UNIL academics launched in 2020 showed that the University of Padua  ranks among the most important partners of UNIL, with more that 40 ongoing research collaborations at the time.

Both parties being interested in developping further the cooperation, a privileged partnership agreement was signed in 2021 to support current collaborations and foster the development of new projects.

If you collaborate with colleagues from the University of Padua and have not informed us yet, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Calls for joint projects

The University of Padua and the University of Lausanne have launched so far four joint calls, in 202120222023, and 2024.

Call for projects

At the occasion of the fourth joint call launched in April 2024, six consolidation grant projects and four seed grant projects were selected for funding among a total of 18 eligible projects submitted.

At the occasion of the third joint call launched in March 2023, 8 projects were selected for funding among the 10 submitted projects.

At the occasion of the second joint call launched in May 2022, 12 projects were selected for funding among the 15 submitted projects.

At the occasion of the first joint call launched in November 2021, 11 projects were selected for funding among the 34 submitted projects.