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October 2017 - UNIL-WBI Open Access Conference

At a time when alternative news, or fake news, is reaching us daily, particularly via social networks, scientifically proven publications are still paying for themselves, even though they are funded by the taxpayer (via contributions to universities and the SNSF). 

This paradox calls for a rethink of how access to research publications should be organised. With this in mind, the "Pratiques croisées de la valorisation de la recherche" conference aims to shed light on the state of the art in the field of research;art in the field of Open Access, drawing on experiments carried out in Switzerland and Belgium in an attempt to change the paradigm within universities.

As an example, the Université de Liège (ULg) set up a system, under the Rectorate of Bernard Rentier, of an obligation to publish scientific research in an internally developed database (Orbi) with an embargo right. The University of Lausanne is also working on a number of possible avenues, which will be illustrated at this conference and elsewhere.


Professor Bernard Rentier

Professor Rentier founded and chaired EOS (Enabling Open Scholarship), an international association for the promotion of Open Access to scientific publications in universities. A virologist and immunologist by training, he carried out his research at the National Institute for Medical Research (Mill Hill, London, 1975) and the National Institute of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA, 1976-1981), then at the University of Liège.

He is the author of over 200 scientific and popular publications. His scientific work has focused on influenza, measles and chickenpox. He chaired the European branch of the Varicella-Zoster Virus Foundation (1991-2004) and the WAVE (Working against Varicella in Europe) committee. He was vice-president of the European Federation of Biotechnology (1997-2004).

Bernard Rentier was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Universitédu Québec à Montréal in recognition of his contribution to free access à scientific information and à the promotion of Open Access values worldwide.

He is vice-chairman of the Belgian Federal Council for Science Policy, chairman of Wallonia Biotech Coaching s.a., a director of the Centre d’Economie Rurale (CER) in Marloie and of the non-profit association Les Amis des Instituts Pasteur in Brussels.

Professor François Bussy

At the age of 56, François Bussy has stepped down as Dean of the Faculty of Science and Environment. In his place, he has taken on the role of vice-rector in charge of research issues. A particular goal? I don't have a precise agenda. But the first role of a vice-rector of research is to energise people and encourage the development of their ideas. As my predecessor Philippe Moreillon said, we are facilitators. I look forward to working with you.

François Bussy will be able to draw on his experience as a man on the ground to encourage as many people as possible to submit funding applications to institutions such as the SNSF. It's within the grasp of every researcher. And these projects are evaluated by independent scientists, outside the university, which is crucial.


Other speaker·trice·s

In order of presentation

  • Nouria Hernandez – Rector, UNIL
  • Yves Flückiger – Président délégation swissuniversities pour les relations internationales. Rector, UNIGE
  • Henri Monceau – Ambassador to the United Nations, OIF
  • Lise McLeod – Head Librarian, WIPO
  • Marc Vanholsbeeck – Direction de la recherche scientifique, Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • Axel Marion – Director of Higher Education Policy, Swissuniversities
  • Vanessa Proudman – Director, SPARC Europe
  • André Hoffman – Hauptbibliothek Universität Zürich
  • Jeannette Frey – Director, BCUL
  • Jean-Claude Albertin – Deputy Director, BCUL, AKOA member
  • Muriel Baguet – Director, Bibliothèques ULB
  • Paul Thirion – Director, Bibliothèques ULg
  • Françoise Vandooren – Attachée à la direction, Bibliothèques de la ULB
  • Yan Luong, Lecturer UNIL, HEC
  • Cécile Lebrand, Head of Open Science FBM, BiUM – CHUV
  • Jean-Blaise Claivaz – Division de l’information scientifique, UNIGE
  • Gérard Bagnoud, Head of Service UNIRIS, UNIL


Unless otherwise stated, the speakers' presentations are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Presentations on Thursday 30 November 2017

Le plan d’action suisse pour l’Open Access
Yves Flückiger, Président Délégation Relations internationales de Swissuniversities, Recteur de l’Université de Genève (UNIGE)

L’Open Access du point de vue de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OMPI)
Lise McLeod, Cheffe Bibliothèque et distribution des publications, OMPI

Stratégie de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Marc VanHolsbeeck, Responsable de la Direction de la recherche scientifique (DGENORS), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Stratégie nationale suisse sur le libre accès
Axel Marion, Directeur du domaine politique des Hautes Écoles, Swissuniversities

SPARC Europe – What does it take to make Open the default for publications ?
Vanessa Proudman, Director, SPARC Europe

OpenAIRE – Advance
André Hoffmann, Hauptbibliothek Universität Zürich

LIBER Five Principles for Negotiations with Publishers
Jeannette Frey, Directrice, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne (BCUL), Membre de la Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER)

L’Open Access du point de vue de la bibliothèque universitaire
Jean-Claude Albertin, Directeur adjoint BCUL site Unithèque, Membre du Groupe de Travail Open Access (AKOA) de la Conférence des bibliothèques universitaires suisses (CBU)

Presentations on Friday 1 December 2017

Keynote – Green Open Access : de la contrainte à l’adhésion
Bernard Rentier, Recteur honoraire, Université de Liège (ULg)

Université de Liège – ORBi
Paul Thirion, Directeur, Bibliothèques de l’ULg

Université Libre de Bruxelles – Di-fusion
Françoise Vandooren, Attachée à la Direction, Bibliothèques de l’ULB

Evelyne Schmid, UNIL (FDCA / CDCEI)

Perspective d’un biologiste
Marc Robinson-Rechavi, UNIL (FBM / DEE)

Keynote – Une vision ouverte et inclusive : l’Open Access à l’UNIL
François Bussy, Vice-Recteur, Dicastère Recherche et Relations Internationales, UNIL

Université de Lausanne – Serval : point sur les développements pour la diffusion en Open Access et la valorisation des publications de L’UNIL et du CHUV
Cécile Lebrand, Responsable Open Science FBM, BiUM – CHUV

Université de Genève – Archive ouverte UNIGE : comment mesurer les progrès de l’Open Access ?
Jean-Blaise Claivaz, Coordinateur Open Access et Données de Recherche, Bibliothèque de l’Université de Genève

Remarques conclusives
Gérard Bagnoud, Directeur du Service des ressources informationnelles et archives (UNIRIS), UNIL

Videos of presentations

All other videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel .