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Here you will find useful links for your teaching practice at UNIL. More specific information relevant to your faculty context is provided by your respective Faculty/School.


Direct access

The support teams from the central services dedicated to teaching are available:


For any questions related to your teaching or for personalised support, please feel free to contact the pedagogical engineer of your Faculty/School or the Teaching and Learning Support Centre (CSE).

Pedagogical support and professional development in teaching

The SET is aimed at all members of the teaching staff regardless of their status (academic staff, intermediate staff, etc.). It must be completed within a 3-year period for each teaching (in accordance with the specific provisions of each contract and faculty specifications).

The Teaching and Learning Support Centre (CSE) and the pedagogical engineer from the Faculties/Schools are available to assist with any questions or requests for personalised support, whether it's for developing your teaching approach, receiving feedback on your teaching, enhancing and showcasing your teaching skills, helping you design teaching videos, course materials, etc.
Teachers from the School of Medicine should contact UPMed (Unité de pédagogie médicale).

The quality of assessments, whether in person or online, is a key lever for supporting learning and reflecting the impact of your teaching. Various institutional frameworks are available (e-assessment, anonymisation of exams, etc.), according to the regulations of your Faculty/School.

Teachers who wish to participate in international activities related to their teaching (mobility, joint projects, degrees, etc.) can receive administrative, financial, and/or pedagogical support.

Various funds may be available to support the development of teaching, whether for designing new innovative activities or fostering collaborations with other institutions.

Technologies and tools for teaching

UNIL provides you with digital tools to enhance your face-to-face or distance learning activities, advice on teaching using digital tools, specific software, etc. In addition, the CSE and the pedagogical engineer of the Faculties/Schools  are at your disposal for any teaching questions relating to their use.


Classrooms are reserved by the faculties at the beginning of each semester. Some rooms can also be booked occasionally, depending on availability.

Various audiovisual equipment (cameras, microphones, etc.) can be borrowed for teaching purposes for a limited period from the Teaching and Learning Support Center (CSE).

The conditions under which courses are delivered online are governed by an institutional framework that offers two types of facilities: auditoriums and rooms equipped with fixed systems for recording and automated broadcasting (on REC-UNIL; on request and according to the faculty's practices), or rooms that can be equipped on request with mobile cameras (delivery on Zoom or other devices by the teacher).

Professional development for teachers

Depending on their type of contract, UNIL lecturers are required to produce a tenure file or an activity report.

A range of specific, contextualised training courses are offered to teaching staff at UNIL. They provide an opportunity to explore new practices, share ideas on specific issues or strengthen your professional skills.

The Graduate Campus offers workshops, advice and support to meet the teaching needs of PhD student supervision.

All vacancies for full and associate professors are advertised on the UNIL recruitment platform.

Discover your university environment

Welcome Centre

All institutional regulations and directives can be consulted online. Specific directives and regulations for faculties/schools are available on their websites.

For any questions relating to your teaching, you can contact your Faculty/School, the Teaching and Learning Support Centre (CSE), as well as the various UNIL departments.



The CSE is the central service dedicated to issues relating to teaching and learning. If you have any suggestions for this page, please do not hesitate to contact it: