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Beelong audit and eco-score

The Beelong Eco-score is a unique tool for assessing and communicating the environmental impact of each food product. It provides professionals and consumers with an additional purchasing criterion and simplifies decision-making.

Beelong criteria

For each food product, a multitude of information is captured, both on each of the raw materials making up the product and on the finished product. The Beelong Eco-score takes into account the following key information in particular:

Beelong Eco-score

Environmental impact of food purchases

The Géopolis restaurant is managed by the SV Group. It has 410 seats and also offers a takeaway service.

For some years now, UNIL has been committed to promoting healthy and sustainable food throughout its campus. As part of a continuous improvement process, Beelong has been commissioned by UNIL to measure the environmental impact of food purchases at the Géopolis restaurant.

The caféria at the Unithèque is managed by Artigus. Under normal circumstances, between 700 and 1,000 meals are served every day.

For some years now, UNIL has been committed to promoting healthy and sustainable food throughout its campus. As part of a continuous improvement process, Beelong has been commissioned by UNIL, in collaboration with Artigus, to measure the environmental impact of the cafeteria's food purchases.

The Géopolis restaurant is managed by the SV Group. It has 410 seats and also offers a takeaway service.

For some years now, UNIL has been committed to promoting healthy and sustainable food throughout its campus. As part of a continuous improvement process, Beelong has been commissioned by UNIL to measure the environmental impact of food purchases at the Géopolis restaurant.

The caféria at the Unithèque is managed by Nino Cananiello. Under normal circumstances, between 700 and 1,000 meals are served every day.

For some years now, UNIL has been committed to promoting healthy and sustainable food throughout its campus. As part of a continuous improvement process, Beelong has been commissioned by UNIL, in collaboration with Nino Cananiello, to measure the environmental impact of the cafeteria's food purchases.

SV Group obtains a grade of C-, equivalent to a numerical score of 3.94/6

Main points strengths:

  • Excellent seasonal compliance for fruit and vegetables, 95% on all fruit and vegetables
  • The very high proportion of labelled fish (66%, mainly MSC and ASC)
  • The proportion of labelled fruit and vegetables (82%, mainly Suisse Garantie)
  • The proportion of labelled d'économat products (26%, mainly, Bio bud imported;, Suisse Garantie and Max Havelaar)
  • The proportion of Swiss products among fruit and vegetables (69%), manufactured products (40%) and convenience products (31%)
  • The proportion of Swiss products among rapeseed oil (100%), flour (100%) and salt (98%)
  • A proportion of maîtris meat products (12%)
  • The proportion of Swiss meat products (65%), including veal (100%), pork (100%),  eggs (100%) and beef (90%)
  • The absence of South American poultry and New Zealand lamb
  • The proportion of Swiss dairy products (95%), including whole milk (100%)
  • The proportion of bread whose raw materials come from Switzerland (89%, excluding Viennese pastries)

Da Nino obtains a grade of C-, equivalent to a numerical score of 3.83/6

Main points strengths:

  • A very well managed proportion of carnivorous products (only 13%)
  • The proportion of organic products (2.47%, compared with 0.70% on average)
  • The proportion of labelled fish (25%)
  • A significant proportion of raw products

Main areas for improvement:

  • The very low proportion of Swiss products (less than 50%), across all product categories
  • The proportion of d'économat products (23%, well above the average of 11%), the majority of which do not come from Switzerland
  • Respect for seasonality
  • The low proportion of products bred with a serious label

SV Group obtains a grade of C-, equivalent to a numerical score of 3.86/6

Main points strengths:

  • The excellent respect for the season for fruit and vegetables
  • The mastery of animal proteins (11%)
  • The high proportion of labelled fish (45%)

Points for improvement:

  • The share of Swiss products for meat, fish and manufactured products
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  • The share of manufactured or processed products

Da Nino obtient la note de C-, équivalent à une note chiffrée de 3.86/6

Main highlights:

  • The seasonal nature of fruit and vegetables
  • The proportion of labelled fish (36%)
  • The proportion of raw produce

Points for improvement:

  • The share of Swiss products for meat, fish and manufactured products
  • The share of fish from outside Europe
  • .
  • The proportion of meat products and particularly Brazilian poultry
  • The proportion of labelled products, particularly foreign products