An International Partnership Diploma (IPD) covers various types of collaboration between UNIL and one or more foreign institutions with a view to awarding a double or multiple diploma(s), or a joint diploma.
Teachers at UNIL can submit a proposal for an international partnership diploma with the help of the CIVIS Unit and in collaboration with the Teaching Support Centre (CSE).
Mrs Sylvie Kohli
Centre de soutien à l'Enseignement
Bâtiment Anthropole
Tél : +41 21 92 63 26
The 11 universities in the Alliance are involved in an innovative master's programme on climate change, offering several study pathways. The programme features a first semester common to all participating universities, which takes place in Stockholm with courses taught by lecturers from all 11 institutions. It also offers students the chance to visit up to 4 different universities, depending on their choices for the fourth and final semester.
UNIL, along with Stockholm University and Sapienza University of Rome, is involved in the Environmental risks track.
"This Erasmus Mundus programme will add an international dimension to the FGSE's Masters in Environmental Sciences, by attracting top-level students from all over the world. What's more, these potential future researchers will be able to complete their dissertation in Lausanne during the final semester."
The Universities of Glasgow, Tübingen and Lausanne, in partnership with other universities in Europe and Africa, have developed a transdisciplinary two-year joint European Masters programme in population health and preventive medicine.
This master's programme will include three periods of compulsory physical mobility. Students will be awarded a joint diploma or a double/multiple diploma depending on national accreditation procedures.
The master's degree will be awarded in the form of a joint diploma or a double/multiple diploma depending on national accreditation procedures.
The professors involved in the programme say:
"CIVIS puts a lot of effort and resources into developing joint educational offerings across the Alliance. It also means that there is institutional support at Alliance and UNIL level - which makes it more sustainable than a single national programme."