The Agassiz Foundation was created in 1932 in accordance with the wishes of Mrs Mathilde Agassiz.
The purpose of the Foundation is to develop university studies in the canton of Vaud, either by financing laboratory equipment, field expenses, participation in conferences or other expenses related to the field of natural sciences.
This support is aimed at members of the university community, students and professors belonging to the faculties of biology and medicine, excluding medicine (FBM) and science and the environment (FGSE).
The foundation is administered by a three-member Executive Committee.
A member of the management of the University of Lausanne is an ex-officio member.
The other two members, appointed for a 5-year term and eligible for reappointment, are appointed by the Executive Board, on the proposal of:
Prof. Jérôme Rossier
Prof. Jérôme Goudet (FBM)
Mrs Beatriz Quintal (FGSE)
Mrs Géraldine Gimmi
The Executive Committee meets once a year.
Are eligible, members of the university community of the faculties:
Solicitations made to other public or private bodies, as well as support received, should be indicated on the application form.
According to the Articles of Association, a sum of CHF 130,000 is paid to the faculties of the FBM and FGSE for scientific research in the fields of botany and zoology, as well as in the fields of mineralogy, geophysics and geology as natural sciences and not as physical sciences.
The Steering Committee may freely decide on the allocation of a maximum total amount of CHF 50,000 to meet justified requests from members of the academic community of the faculties of the FBM and FGSE.
Completed applications must be submitted to the Agassiz Foundation secretariat no later than 31 May.
Documents are to be sent in PDF format by 31 May to or by post.
Each year, recipients of reasoned requests must submit the following to the Executive Committee by 31 March at the latest:
The beneficiaries of statutory support shall submit to the Management Committee, by 31 March of the year in question at the latest:
The beneficiaries of support undertake to ensure that the Fondation Agassiz is mentioned in all documents and other media relating to the subsidised activity.
Beneficiaries are not entitled to any non-public information about the Foundation.
Between 2010 and 2024, 44 members of the university community benefited from financial support.
Agassiz Foundation
UNL Direction
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 23 40