We look forward to working together. This page provides an overview of topics, links, access and contacts that will be useful to you as a member of UNIL staff.
UNIL encourages and supports a policy that promotes continuing education and the development of your professional skills. To this end, it provides you with a wide range of tools to train you throughout your career.
Develop your skills. Browse the e-catalogue of in-house courses on a range of topics (outside the academic curriculum).
More than 250 continuing education offers thanks to joint UNIL-EPFL courses.
Practical training for public action, paid for by the HR department (in agreement with your line manager).
To meet the challenges of mobility, professional imperatives and lifelong learning.
Every member of staff is encouraged to enrich their career with exchanges abroad.
Enrich your expertise and intercultural skills through a European experience.
Open positions and internal career opportunities for administrative, technical or academic jobs. Don't miss out on any UNIL vacancies.
All the essential information and tools you need to organise and manage your working time.
For apprentices, trainees, interns and PiBS interns, the bridge between Christmas and the New Year is considered a holiday.
Here you will find a list of the various types of family leave available to UNIL staff:
UNIL staff are also entitled to paid short-term leave in the event of marriage (four days), death (up to three days) and other important family circumstances (up to two days).
We invite you to read Directive 1.35 on family leave for detailed information, in particular on the terms and conditions for granting such leave and its effects on career development within UNIL.
Specific provisions of the SNSF
If you are a researcher receiving a salary as part of an SNSF-funded research project, you may apply for the various types of family leave (with the exception of partial leave) and are entitled to the maternity leave provided by your employer, in this case UNIL.
For more information on the regulations that apply, the steps to take with your line manager, Human Resources and the SNSF, as well as funding possibilities, view the ‘Becoming a parent’ guide published by the SNSF.
All the information you need to manage your administrative and financial relationship with the University.
Log into your account on MyUnil for access to your last 12 payslips.
To obtain older pay slips, please contact the specialist HR manager in your department or Faculty.
Understanding the social security charges on my payslip:
The salary payment dates for the current year are set according to the following schedule:
For any additional information relating to the tax provisions of your canton of domicile or residence, please contact the tax authorities in your canton.
Family allowances are a contribution towards the upkeep of a child. They include child allowances, vocational training allowances, allowances for disabled children and birth or adoption allowances. They are paid only on request and in accordance with your current entitlements recorded in the payroll system.
An automatic reminder e-mail is sent to the holder's work address one month before the entitlement date for one or more allowances. An HR partner in your Faculty or department will be happy to help if you have any questions.
Each job corresponds to a job type that reflects the profession and the nature of the employee's activities. In this way, each job type corresponds to a salary grade in the job grid. The salary scales and scales applied at the University of Lausanne are available under the Remuneration and social insurance tab in the section of the site dealing with the advantages of working at our institution.
The salary certificate for drawing up your tax return for each tax year is generally available in your MyUnil account from the end of January of the following year under: My account > My salary data > Salary documents > Salary certificates
Anyone without access to MyUnil will continue to receive their salary certificate by post to their private address.
UNIL employees in possession of an L, B, F or N permit are subject to "withholding tax". Further information and the tax adjustment request form are available on request.
Persons taxed at source who are domiciled in the canton of Vaud for tax law purposes and who do not meet any of the aforementioned grounds for compulsory subsequent ordinary taxation may, if they so request by 31 March of the year following the tax year concerned, be subject to subsequent ordinary taxation.
The tax authorities in each canton have set out the procedures for determining tax-deductible expenses, particularly work-related expenses, when preparing your tax return. Accordingly, the statement "UNIL has complied with cantonal and federal guidelines and recommendations on working hours. However, when a member of staff's activities could not be carried out at work, they were carried out on site" has been added to the salary certificates of UNIL staff under figure 15.
As far as Vaud taxpayers are concerned, the tax authorities for the canton have stated that when submittng your tax return, the number of days taken into account for the deduction of accommodation and meal expenses must be reduced by the number of days worked remotely. If necessary, the tax authorities may ask the taxpayer to prove the number of days worked on site. In this case, it is the employer who will be able to certify this information, provided that it has been entered into the appropriate tools.
For more information, visit Vaud Cantonal Tax Administration (ACI).
Contact details for the payment of vested pension benefits:
Caisse de pensions de l'État de Vaud (CPEV), P.O. Box 288, 1001 Lausanne
CCP 10-16505-9
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a CPEV advisor on 021 348 24 43.
For staff with an Assistant, Graduate Assistant, PhD student or Junior Lecturer contract:
Retraites Populaires, P.O. Box 288, 1001 Lausanne
IBAN CH36 0900 0000 1000 0058 1
Specific dates have been set by the various departments managing administrative services related to the hiring, transfer and changes in staff status, as well as for the payment of allowances and salaries for those subject to the monthly payment of time sheets.
Whatever your status or however your remuneration is funded, all categories of staff must follow certain rules and instructions in the event of accidents or illness.
Absences due to illness or an accident must be backed by a medical certificate as soon as you are unable to work for more than three days. If this absence includes a weekend or a day on which you are not expected to work, the latter will count towards the three days. For example, if you are unable to work on a Friday and the following Monday, this counts as four days and you must provide a medical certificate even if you are back at work on Tuesday.
The medical certificate must be sent to your line manager, who in turn must forward it to the Human Resources Department. You can also send a copy of the certificate directly to the Human Resources Department if you think this will be quicker.
The University de Lausanne insures you for accidents under the Accident Insurance Act (LAA) through Bâloise Assurances.
In the event of an accident, you must send the Human Resources Department the completed accident declaration form. There are two types: the "minor" accident report form must be used for accidents that do not result in an inability to work of more than two days. Normal accident reporting concerns accidents that result in more than two days' absence from work, as well as dental accidents and occupational illnesses, even if they do not result in any absence.
If you do not have internet access (particularly in the event of a work stoppage), you can ask a colleague for help or contact the Human Resources Department directly.
These forms consist of four sheets. The first two sheets should be sent to the Human Resources Department (Château de Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne). Please do not send the first page directly to the insurer, even if this is stated on it. Keep the remaining two copies to give to your doctor and pharmacy.
If you follow these instructions, your doctor or pharmacy will normally send the invoices directly to the insurer. If you receive an invoice for an accident, do not pay it but send it directly to Bâloise Assurances SA (Sinistres Suisse, Aeschengraben 21, CP 4002 Basel), stating that you are an employee of the University of Lausanne.
The University of Lausanne has taken out supplementary insurance with Bâloise Assurances to cover accidents abroad in response to a request from the International Relations Office.
With basic cover, medical expenses are only reimbursed up to the equivalent of twice the price in Switzerland. To remove this ceiling, Bâloise Assurances is offering cover with no ceiling for CHF 250 per calendar year. This premium is payable by the employee who takes out this insurance and will be deducted directly from their salary.
You will find all the information you need on the attached form, which you must return to us by 30 November for cover from 1 January of the following calendar year.
UNIL offers medical, security and logistical assistance as well as travel insurance to support members of staff who travel outside Switzerland as part of their professional activities. Employees receive a membership number when they join.
In the event of a claim, the policyholder undertakes to contact the insurer by telephone before any intervention by a third party that could give rise to the right to insured benefits, failing which compensation may be reduced or even refused.
For any information relating to a claim and/or in an emergency, the policyholder must contact our 24/7 assistance centre
TSM Compagnie d’Assurances, Assistance, Cours de Rive 2, 1204 Geneva,
+41 22 819 44 66
Fax: +41 22 819 44 66
Fax: +41 22 819 44 99
More information on the benefits guaranteed by the insurer:
If you have any questions, your HR partner in your Faculty or department is your main contact at UNIL. For any additional information, the HR Department is at your disposal by e-mail or by appointment.