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Information and Statistics System (UNISIS)

UNISIS' mission is to manage UNIL's statistical information system and produce institutional statistics, with the aim of making them useful and accessible to all its partners.


UNISIS provides four types of service, namely management assistance, the production of statistics for institutional use, data compilation and training in the use of data visualisation tools. UNISIS operates a data centre and data lake dedicated to the department's activities.


Management assistance

UNISIS develops interactive dashboards and analyses to provide the Rectorate, Faculties and departments with indicators on the University's operations and contributions.

Production of institutional statistics

UNISIS is responsible for producing the data, statistics and indicators required by the various statutory frameworks with which the University of Lausanne must comply.

Its main partners are the Canton of Vaud, the General Directorate of Higher Education (DGES), StatVaud, the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI), the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), the Swiss National Bank (SNB), swissuniversities and the various audit bodies. UNISIS also produces the data and indicators used in the various international university rankings.

View the statistical directories and their previous editions

Data compilation

UNISIS compiles the institution's raw data and enhances them to make them easy to use from a statistical point of view. The department makes these data available to entities that express a need for them.

Find out more about the data available

Training in data visualisation tools

UNISIS trains UNIL staff in the use of the data visualisation tools produced by the department.

Data request and training

Practical information


Main address

Unicentre building,
Office 336

Access, parking and delivery


Members of the department


Alain Clément

Alain Clément

  • Director

Jean-Moïse Rochat

Jean-Moïse Rochat

  • Deputy Director
Patricia Berney

Patricia Berney

  • Executive secretary
Gabriel Valdez

Gabriel Valdez

  • Data Scientist
Jeremy Som

Jeremy Som

  • Data Scientist
Fabio Sayour

Fabio Sayour

  • Data Scientist
Simon Kofel

Simon Kofel

  • Data Scientist