In Lausanne, within the Faculty of Advanced Business Studies alone, more than 300 researchers carry out work of international stature in the various fields of economics, from finance and micro-economics to management and sustainable management.
Like most research conducted at UNIL, economics and its sub-fields cross the boundaries of a single faculty or discipline. Various issues are also the subject of major studies conducted by, for example, the Faculty of Science and the Environment, notably through the ecological transition or economic anthropology.
Research at HEC, UNIL's leading centre for economic studies, is divided into ten departments and institutes, and is structured around two main pillars. The first pillar focuses on trends in the economic and social environment of business, including globalisation, the role of the state, market developments and information technology.
The second area is concerned with understanding the role of the individual within this environment, his or her decision-making methods and behaviour.
By opting for such a strategy, UNIL's research brings together all the essential factors for understanding today's world and possibly making it a better place tomorrow. By placing human beings, their behaviour and their ambitions at the centre of its concerns, research attempts to solve problems that are often linked to systems or technology. This is the case for major contemporary issues such as safety and sustainability. Which is why economics is also widely studied in other faculties, including the Faculty of Science and the Environment.
Research themes in economics include: