All UNIL Masters courses can be taken part-time, with the exception of the Master in Health Sciences (joint with the HES-SO), which nevertheless offers an enhanced study plan for work-based studies, and the Master in Human Taphonomy.
The opportunity to study part-time is aimed at people who, at the same time as their studies, have a family, a professional activity, a social commitment, who are disabled or chronically ill, or who wish to successfully complete a personal project.
Are you thinking of enrolling for a part-time Master's degree? This option is demanding in terms of motivation and organisation. Your reflection and planning should take into account the objectives of the Master's degree, the organisation specific to part-time study, the workload, commuting and the financial implications of this type of studies.
You are considering enrolling for a part-time Master's degree?
Only regulatory texts are authentic. Last update: 19 February 2025
Sign up for an information appointment with the Guidance and Careers Service.
To register and for all your questions about applying for part-time admission.
Information and advice on part-time study