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English - Integrated skills module

Registration (UNIL members)
Registration (HEP Students)

The objectives of the “integrated skills” modules are to enable participants :

  • to begin to learn a new language
  • to develop existing skills and make them more specific

These modules are largely based on communication. They aim to develop skills which will enable learners to use the language for various reasons in a variety of contexts. These modules also aim to develop cultural and intercultural aspects as well as the ability to learn independently.

Teaching methods and activities are varied and interesting. They involve discussions, listening exercises, role-plays, games, watching videos and reflecting on how we learn.

The modules run over 13 weeks during the semester. If you wish to continue the course the following semester, you need to sign up again.

Practical information


Structure of the module

per week


For all levels

2 periods

Multimedia Centre (EMA)*

The number of periods varies according to level

>Beginners to A2: 2 periods
  (one of them in free-access)



>A2/B1 to B2: 1 period



>B2/ to C1: no EMA study required

Pre-registration dates and deadlines



Group levels depend on the inscriptions

Level descriptor


Fixed according to the availability of the participants

All information


Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions).

All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online registration” or “free access” (details)