The House of Religions celebrates its 10th anniversary!
The House of Religions in Bern is a meeting place for religions and a place for dialogue between cultures. It is currently home to eight religions, each with its own space and rituals. The following religious communities live here Alevi, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh.
Every year, some 33,000 people from all over Switzerland and abroad enter and leave the House of Religions. Official delegations from all over the world are also regularly welcomed. In 2023, 381 workshops and visits took place. The House of Religions could not exist without the work of the many volunteers who support this bold project with their presence and their generous work.
The Vanakam Restaurant brings cultures together through food. It offers vegetarian cuisine and special Ayurvedic - kosher - dishes. We can eat here or participants can take their own picnic.
The visit to the House of Religions begins in the early afternoon with a workshop on Buddhism and meditation. Visits to the other religious sites will be in French and/or English.
Depending on the interest of the participants, we can also go to Bern in the morning and add a second visit to the old town of Bern (to be decided). The price will be increased accordingly.