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Zerilli-Marimò Foundation

Aims of the foundation

The Foundation supports students enrolled at the University of Lausanne and young researchers attached to the University of Lausanne who are active in the field of language and culture at the University of Lausanne, active in the field of Italian language and civilisation in the broadest sense, from origins to the present day.

Baroness Mariuccia Zerilli-Marimò was born in Milan. She completed her studies in history, languages, literature at the University of Lausanne in 1974.

The widow of Baron Guido Zerilli-Marimò and mother of Mrs Maria Chiara Zerilli-Marimò, Baroness Zerilli-Marimò has been very active in her philanthropic and cultural endeavours.

She was a member of the delegation of the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations and President of the Foundation for Science and Technology in Education and Research. She has served on a number of prominent boards, including those of New York University, the Scuola Guglielmo Marconi and the National Italian American Foundation.

She was a member of various cultural organisations throughout the world, including the Sir Harold Acton Society, the Metropolitan Opera, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Friends of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum. She has been a member of the Friends of the Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts at Lausanne in Switzerland and the Friends of La Pietra in Italy.

In 1990, she founded the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimograve; New York University where she served as President of the Advisory Board.

In 1993, Baroness Zerilli-Marimograve set up the Zerilli-Marimograve Foundation, for which she served as President until her death in 2015.

In 2010, she was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus in Geneva.

Foundation Board

Mrs Maria Chiara Zerilli Marimò

Mr Riccardo Giorgio Kulczycki, Trésorier
Prof. Liliane Michalik
Prof. Nelly Valsangiacomo

Mrs Géraldine Gimmi

The Foundation Board meets once a year.

Getting support


The following are eligible:

  • Early-career researchers enrolled at the University of Lausanne (either pursuing a PhD or up to five years after obtaining their doctorate), holding a master's degree, affiliated with the University of Lausanne at the time of using the Foundation’s support, and actively engaged in the field of Italian language and civilization in a broad sense, from its origins to the present day.

Not eligible:

  • Researchers receiving funding from another source (such as funding granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation - SNSF), those receiving a salary, or those holding a stable academic position are not eligible for a scholarship. Furthermore, the status of lecturer cannot be considered equivalent to that of a researcher.

Take into account:

  • bursaries are paid on 1st October of each year
  • bursary may be withdrawn by the Foundation Board in the event of abuse, cheating or any other circumstance justifying withdrawal
  • decisions to award or withdraw are not subject to appeal or review


Applications made to other public or private bodies, as well as support received, must be indicated on the application form.

Scholarships are intended exclusively to provide for the material needs of the recipients.

Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis; the award of one scholarship or half a scholarship in no way precludes renewal. The Foundation Board may decide to renew a grant, on presentation of a fully satisfactory report from the institution in which the studies or research are being carried out.

If the support enables a discovery to be made that is commercially exploited, the Foundation Board may demand repayment of the amount it has granted.

Application for support

Completed applications must be submitted to the secretariat of the Fondation Zerilli-Marimò by 31 March at the latest.

Form and documents to be provided

  • The completed application form in English or French
  • A cover letter in English or French explaining the aims
  • A curriculum vitae in French or English
  • A copy of diplomas
  • A minimum of two letters of recommendation in French or English, one of which must be from the UNIL professor who has committed to act as scientific leader
  • A research plan (table of contents)
  • A copy of the student card, as well as the registration certificate
Download the form

Submitting a request

Documents are to be sent in PDF format by 31 March à or by post.

Reports to be submitted

At the end of the subsidised period, no later than 31 March following the year of operation, the recipients of a grant shall submit to the Foundation Board:

  • a report on the progress of their work, together with any appendices
  • an account of the use of the funds made available

The beneficiaries of support undertake to ensure that the Fondation Zerilli-Marimograve; is mentioned in all documents and other media relating to the subsidised activity.

Further information

Beneficiaries are not entitled to any non-public information about the Foundation.

Beneficiaries over the last 9 years


  • M. Alessandro Moro
  • M. Alessandro Ratti
  • Mme Alexandra Spühler
  • M. Alessandro Moro
  • Mrs Ilaria Trivelloni
  • Mrs Karine Meylan
  • Mr Enea Pezzini
  • Mrs Alessandra Rolle

No attribution

  • Mr Enrico Castro
  • Mr Cédric Cramatte
  • Mrs Néjiba Maamar
  • Mrs Irene Quadri
  • Mr Michel Cattaneo
  • Mr Andrea Cravero
  • Mrs Margherita Orsero
  • Mrs Cecilia Ruggeri
  • Mrs Saida Bondini
  • Mr Nicolas Consiglio
  • Mrs Alzbeta Filipova
  • Mr Roberto Biolzi
  • Mrs Saida Bondini
  • Mrs Valeria Flavia Lovato
  • Mrs Ilaria Molteni
  • Mrs Delphine Wehrli


Zerilli-Marimò Foundation
UNIL Direction
UNIL-Dorigny district
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel. +41 21 692 23 40