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University Council

The Council is a forum for debate and representation: it discusses the running and management of the university and suggests improvements to campus life.

Every body on the Council - from students and teachers to administrative and technical staff - has a voice. Your representatives, elected by you, represent your interests. It is also responsible for proposing a candidate for the post of Rector to the Conseil d'État, giving its opinion on the management of the Directorate and the accounts, and adopting the annual report on the monitoring of the University's multiannual strategic plan; it may adopt solutions on any question relating to the University.

It is the responsibility of the Council of State to make recommendations to the Council of State on the management of the Directorate and the accounts, and to adopt the annual report on the monitoring of the University's multiannual strategic plan; it may adopt solutions on any question relating to the University.

A place of transparency and participation

The council is a place of transparency: meetings are public. They take place 5 à 6 times a year, on Thursday at 16:15 - Amphimax. It is also a place for democracy and participation: come and attend, meet your representatives and make proposals that could be passed on to the Council.

General presentation

The University of Lausanne has taken a historic step by proposing a new way of managing itself by appointing a Board representing all its constituent bodies.

The University of Lausanne has thus embarked on a path of individual and collective responsibility to decide on its projects and vision. The 44 elected representatives of this parliament, the University Council, decide on and endorse the proposals put forward by the Management, which is also consulted by the Council. In this way, the University Council is at the heart of the institution's major commitments. It is here that budgets are proposed, accounts are checked and approved, and the major options in the multi-year strategic plans are validated. The Board's public meetings are the place where the present and future of our University are decided.

As a political body within the University, the Council is also one of the hallmarks of its legitimacy to the outside world. Indeed, the open and honest way in which the University operates shows that, while strategic options may emerge from the work of particular individuals, they have also succeeded in rallying the support of a majority.

In the recent past, the University Council has had to vote on important issues such as the MEDUNIL reform, the establishment of the General Study Regulations (RGE), and the discussion and implementation of the new Strategic Plan. All these issues have demonstrated the intellectual vigour and dynamism of UNIL, as well as its profound democratic culture. The aim of the current Council Bureau is to make the work of the Council more visible and better known, so that everyone can feel that they are part of the life of UNIL and that the University Council really is their parliament.

Boris Vejdovsky

Lausanne, April 2012

Responsibilities under the Law on the University of Lausanne (Article 29)

The University Council, according to the Law on the University of Lausanne (LUL - Art. 29), is the governing authority of the University. It has the following responsibilities:

  • a) to propose a candidate for the post of Rector to the Council of State.
  • b) to ratify en bloc the academic members of the Directorate appointed by the Rector.
  • c) to present the University's multiannual strategic plan.
  • d) to adopt the multiannual development plan for the University proposed by the Management.
  • e) ratify the University's budget.
  • f) adopt the regulations that fall within its remit.
  • g) to adopt the organisation of the University into faculties on the proposal of the Management.
  • h) to decide on the management of the Directorate and the accounts and to adopt the annual monitoring report on the University's multiannual strategic plan;
  • i) to appoint the members of the Disciplinary Board, with the exception of its Chairman.
  • k) adopt resolutions on any matter relating to the University.

Each member of the University Council shall have the right to propose and question on any matter relating to the University.

Responsibilities relating to Internal Regulations (IR)

The Conseil de l'Université  (CU) is competent to adopt the Rules Interne de l'Université de Lausanne.

These regulations cover the following points (according to RALUL art. 2):

  • a) the subdivision of the University into faculties
  • .
  • b) the procedure for appointing the Rector
  • .
  • c) the désignation of the members of the Direction
  • d) the procedures for the election of the University Council
  • .
  • e) the representation of each body of each faculty on the Council of the University;
  • f) the representation of each body of each faculty on the Council of the University
  • f) the organisation of the University Council;
  • g) the division of seats between each body on Faculty Councils
  • .
  • h) the appointment of members of the Disciplinary Board
  • i) the method of election of the Staff Committee and the conditions for the appointment of its members
  • j) the conditions and procedure for the promotion of teaching staff
  • k) the procedures for evaluating and renewing teaching staff
  • l) the arrangements for granting scientific leave
  • m) the disciplinary procedure
  • .

Organisation of the University Council

The University Council can organise itself. The Council has set out some of its operating procedures in the UNIL Internal Regulations.

For the time being, the Council comprises three important bodies:

The Council has a President, elected by an absolute majority of its members, as well as a Secretary and a Vice-President. The Council Bureau, which aims to be as representative as possible, ensures that the Council and its meetings run smoothly.

The Legislative Committee deals with legal issues, while the Finance and Management Committee prepares reports on the management of the Executive Board, the accounts and the budgets.

Members of the Bureau of the UNIL-2023-2024 Council


  • Mrs Zeiter-Grau Anne-Christel, CI (Arts)


  • Mr Prost Marco, Student (Humanities)

Secretary of the Council

  • Mr Le Forestier Laurent, CP (Arts)

Bureau members

  • Mrs Kauffman Laurence, CP (SSP)
  • Mrs Amiguet Amélia, PAT (FBM)
  • Mr Le Forestier Laurent, CP (Arts)
  • Mr Reubi Olivier, PAT (FGSE)
See Board members

Dies Academicus 2024

Anne-Christel Zeiter-Grau, President of the UNIL Council

Spaces dedicated to Board members

Information for the Board
Information dedicated to the Restricted Council