In addition to the maps below, you can consult our list of terminals at the bottom of the page. The maps list the access (Ba), charging (Br) and validation (Bv) points.
UNIL has 3 types of terminals on its campus:
If you have difficulty locating a specific terminal, you can look for the credit card icon labeled "Live: Campus card" on the map. The link will redirect you to the location of the facility on Planète UNIL (except for the CHUV-BH building).
Building | Location | Plan |
Amphipole |
3rd floor, POL-300, south entrance, in the airlock between the two porticoes |
Anthropolis |
2nd floor, ANT-2002, north-west entrance |
Anthropolis |
2nd floor, ANT-2062, next to the Postomat |
Anthropolis |
2nd floor, ANT-2107, south-east entrance |
Biophore |
2nd floor, BIO-2900, west entrance |
Extranef |
1st floor, EXT-135, north entrance |
Géopolis |
1st floor, GEO-1000, next to the lifts |
Géopolis |
1st floor, GEO-1810, near the secondary entrance to the Zelig |
Géopolis |
2nd floor, GEO-2701 |
1st floor, IDP-104, north-east entrance |
Internef |
1st floor, NEF-150, mailroom |
Internef |
2nd floor, NEF-221, north entrance |
Building | Location | Plan |
Amphimax |
3rd floor, MAX-300, next to the lift |
Amphipole |
3rd floor, POL-300, after the south entrance |
Anthropolis |
2nd floor, ANT-2062, next to the Postomat |
Géopolis |
1st floor, GEO-1527, restaurant entrance |
Internef |
2nd floor, NEF-221, north entrance |
Unithèque |
2nd floor, UTQ-2.226, brewery-side portico |
Unithèque |
2nd floor, UTQ-2.226, restaurant side portico |