Mr Zewail has maintained scientific relations with the Physics Section of the University of Lausanne for many years.
In 1994, he began teaching in Lausanne on the use of ultrafast pulsed lasers in chemistry, physics and biology. This technique, known as femtochemistry, captures in real time the changes involved in chemical reactions lasting between 10 and 100 femtoseconds (10-15s). It also makes it possible to modify the course of these reactions, which is important for the development of new materials or drugs.
In 1997, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Lausanne.
In September 2000, he took up the honorary chair at the University of Lausanne and took part in a postgraduate seminar in chemistry in French-speaking Switzerland. He is also collaborating with the Institut de Physique de la Matière Condensée on problems of ultra-rapid energy redistribution in chemical media in the condensed phase.