The University of Lausanne advocates broad access to studies without sacrificing high standards. To achieve this ambition, it is constantly improving the quality of the teaching offered to its students.
UNIL has chosen to specialise in three areas: humanities and social sciences, life sciences and medicine, and environmental sciences. At the same time, UNIL is also developing interdisciplinary teaching and training projects, whether as part of joint Master's programmes or inter-Faculty course offerings, or in collaboration with other institutions.
Teaching: a fundamental mission
Teaching is an important issue, and is one of the University's fundamental missions, to which it devotes as much effort as research. In particular, it has set up the Pedagogical Innovation Fund, renamed Pedagogical Impulse Fund, to support student learning and improve their chances of success. This initiative has funded several hundred projects by teachers, Faculties and schools. UNIL also promotes the continuous improvement of teaching by supporting teachers in evaluating their teaching activities on a regular basis.
Equal opportunities
UNIL has seen an increase in students in recent years. It is keen to give them the opportunity to integrate into the professional and academic world, even if this only concerns a minority of them. The University's mission is to enable everyone to acquire the skills required to meet the needs of society and to participate in its development. UNIL is committed to an inclusive policy that fosters equality of opportunity and supports diversity in individual profiles, backgrounds and pathways, as well as access to and success in university education.
UNIL has developed an ambitious strategy for 2021-2026 to strengthen its teaching missions and the quality of teaching, and to ensure an enriching learning experience in the face of demographic, technological and societal change.
Teaching at UNIL is the responsibility of the Faculties and is organised according to the Swiss university qualifications framework. The Rectorate proposes guidelines based on consultations with the network of Vice Deans and the Teaching Committee.
UNIL has implemented a comprehensive and dynamic quality system, with a strong emphasis on a formative and responsive approach rather than a prescriptive one, a distinguishing feature that is highlighted in the University’s accreditation report.
The University of Lausanne provides the institution and its members with a range of human, financial and teaching resources to enhance the quality of teaching and support the teaching staff's educational projects.
Measures to support techno-pedagogical use and reflection and the development of digital skills.
A system for teachers who wish to receive feedback on their teaching.
Training courses offered by central services and Faculties/schools to UNIL teaching staff.
Central services and Faculty support teams for teaching and pedagogy.
Funding for teachers, Faculties and schools to design new teaching and learning activities, with or without the use of technology.
Administrative, financial and pedagogical support for teachers wishing to take part in international activities (mobility, Blended Inclusive Programmes (BIP), etc.).
See p. 26 for the 2021-2026 teaching objectives.
Access to teaching and technical guides and resources designed to support you in your teaching.
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