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Teacher recruitment toolbox

Professorial recruitment plays a key role in the way UNIL operates. High-quality recruitment is fundamental to the institution’s reputation, as well as to the quality of research and teaching. The members of the preselection committees therefore provide an essential service by investing their time and expertise in identifying the best candidate for a given post.

To support these efforts, UNIL makes several documents available to those involved in faculty recruitment, containing research-backed recommendations and good practice in this area (see below).

Recommendations and best practice

Three principles to respect

Even if we are convinced of the importance of equal opportunities for women and men, our behaviour is influenced by unconscious unconscious gender bias. These biases have a negative impact on female applicants, but they are not inevitable.

With awareness and accountability measures and well-designed selection procedures, we can reduce their impact. UNIL encourages the members of the presentation commissions, responsible for faculty recruitment, to :

Defining and questioning the evaluation criteria

  • Be sure to ask yourself the same questions about each dossier.
  • Also make sure that there are no pre-established criteria that can be applied to a group of people.
  • Make sure you avoid the use of informal criteria to favour/disfavour a candidate.

Monitor the course of discussions

  • Attract the attention of your colleagues if you think that there might be a bias in the assessment of applications or the use of standard forms that might unjustifiably preclude a specific application.

Take time to decide

  • Take the time to study the files thoroughly.
  • Make sure you give equal attention and time to female and male applications.
  • Take a step back : slowing down the process allows you to move on from unconscious sterotypes a rational réflexion.

By applying these three principles and the good practices recommended in the documents à télécharge, the members of the commission contribute to UNIL's objectives of promoting égalité des chances à tous les niveaux.

50% of doctoral and post-doctoral students are women : it is now a matter of guaranteeing the same opportunities for access to the professoriate for women and men.

Additional resources