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Annexe de la Mouline

Between Géopolis and Ferme de la Mouline is the Annexe de la Mouline, home to Unisep and part of Unibat.
Between Géopolis and Ferme de la Mouline is the Annexe de la Mouline, home to Unisep and part of Unibat.

Practical information

Rue de la Mouline, 1022 Chavannes-près-Renens (click on link to open Google Maps location)

Monday to Thursday

8:30am to 5:00pm


9:30am to 5:00pm

Saturday and Sunday


For any questions relating to waste, please contact the logistics group on 021 692 26 30 or by mail.

Longitude: 6.580578

Latitude: 46.526030

Google Maps location


Useful contacts

Contacts Phone & email Useful links

Technical manager

021 692 25 20


021 692 26 99

UniSEP - Health and safety service

021 692 25 70

Service page