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Audiovisual equipment available in the rooms


A consultation interface allows you to query our database of audiovisual equipment available in the rooms and auditoriums on the Dorigny site.

A specific request must be made for each reservation (fill in the reservation form: one form per date). This will make it possible to check that the equipment is in good condition and to request assistance on site.

Preproduction of audiovisual equipment is only possible for use on the Dorigny site.

Practical information

Technical assistance

Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, Unicom provides audiovisual assistance to users by telephone. Outside these hours we call in independent technicians (CHF 80/hour + CHF 60 placement fee).

Assistance for distance learning, course capture and streaming

Apply to the Centre de soutien à l’enseignement (CSE UNIL), which will be able to help you with this process.

IT equipment

The various rooms and auditoriums are not equipped with computers, so you must bring your own.The connection cables for the beamer (VGA and/or HDMI) can be found on site, in the rooms/auditoriums.

Access to audiovisual equipment

To access the audiovisual equipment in the rooms, you must obtain the audiovisual resources key (14.0) It is available from the Unicom reception Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm and from 12.45pm to 5pm, Amphimax, tel +41 21 692 22 80

  • Members of the UNIL community (students, professors, PATs, etc) => no deposit, just a form to sign
  • External (prof. from other Universities, technician, etc) => form + deposit CHF 100.-

Useful information


T +41 21 692 22 88

Amphimax, Génopode, Biophore, Cubotron, Batochime
T +41 21 692 22 90

Anthropole, Château de Dorigny, ISDC
T +41 21 692 22 89

Géopolis, IDHEAP
T +41 21 692 22 87

Grange de Dorigny
T +41 21 692 21 22

Extranef, Internef, Unicentre, Unithèque, Sports, Synathlon
T +41 21 692 22 85

Nucleo Vortex Room
T +41 21 692 22 87