You will find written help on InfoSERVAL.
When you are connected in SERVAL and you see the record in question, press the "Details" button (in red below)
Once the details are displayed, press "Edit":
The complete editing page of the record is therefore displayed. Scroll to the end ("Documents" section):
To be able to add the full text, you must accept the copyright conditions. So check the box, and then press "Add" in the "Full Text" section:
You can then choose the file corresponding to the record. If the screen moves after the document selection, scroll down to the "Documents" section again. You must now specify 1) The version of the document, 2) the level of access to the document, 3) the end date of the embargo (if applicable). Finally, you can press "Publish" if everything is correct.
CAUTION: Although the metadata of the publication may be corrected later, the PDFs of a "public" record cannot be modified or deleted due to contractual obligations with the National Library. Be sure to add the correct text before publishing the notice. You can, if you wish, "save" the record before publishing it so that you can review it in detail.
Your record will be instantly visible to the public as well as your document. You can still correct the record's metadata (bibliographic data), but not the document.