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Drawing up a research project

The UNIL Research Department is ready to support researchers throughout the development of their research projects. A support network made up of consultants, research assistants, management assistants and specialists in the central services is ready to help researchers.

Research funding

Are you looking for funding for your research? Don't know which organisation to turn to, or what type of funding you can apply for? Don't hesitate to turn to your research regulators or visit the research funding website.

Main bibliographical resources

As part of any research project, a well-established bibliography is essential to provide a solid foundation of academic and professional references. Our platform offers a carefully compiled selection of key bibliographic resources, carefully chosen for their relevance and quality.


Searching for academic, civil or industrial partners is a crucial step in developing and carrying out ambitious research projects.

Whether you are looking to collaborate with universities, research laboratories or innovative companies, our research support network will help you find partners who share your goals and vision.

Data management

Technological developments have enabled spectacular innovations in research, but have also led to major changes in social practices. Researchers need to look at the ethical aspects of the process, the volume of data produced at each stage of the project, data processing, data protection and data processing.

The UNIRIS team is happy to answer your questions about storing and archiving your research data.

Questions about Open Access