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Observation of teaching

Observation of a teaching sequence

Observation of one or more sessions of one of your lessons can be carried out by an pedagogical advise (or by an experienced teacher). Observation may enable you to supplement the viewpoint provided by your students and/or simply provide you with further food for thought.

These observations are always made in three stages:

  1. Pre-briefing: discussion between the teacher and the adviser to set the objectives of the observation and the points to observe based on the questions the teacher has in relation to his or her teaching ;
  2. Classroom observation (possibly filmed) ;
  3. Debriefing: discussion to analyse the session, identify the dimensions of observation that are working well and those that could be reconsidered, and develop avenues for improvement.

At the request of the person being observed, an observation report may be compiled by the adviser, for example as part of the compilation of a tenure file or an activity report.

Deadline: 1 week for organising the observation and 1 week for drafting the report 

Request and further information:

Peer observations among teachers

Experienced teachers from all faculties are available to welcome colleagues (not necessarily from the same faculty) who would like to come and observe a lesson and discuss it. These observations are carried out under the supervision of the CSE advisers, who do not necessarily also come to observe, as their role is more to act as intermediaries between the person being observed and the person observing.