Have you been a victim or witness of harassment, discrimination or violence in the context of your work or studies at UNIL? This form will allow you to report the situation, in a completely confidential and/or anonymous way if you wish. Click on this button to be redirected to the form hosted by UniSanté.
Dorigny campus
From a mobile phone: 021 692 20 00
From an internal landline: 115
Campus Bugnon/Epalinges ou hors campus
Police : 117
Ambulance: 144
Fire department: 118
Get a forensic medical evaluation
Get support in case of a criminal offence (information in French only)
The data on this form are stored and hosted so as to guarantee confidential and secure data processing (REDCap platform managed by Unisanté and hosted in a CHUV data centre).
At the end of the form, you can choose whether your report is only transmitted to the persons of trust external to UNIL (totally confidential), or whether you agree to have it sent to the UNIL Work and Study Climate Protection Officer (possible action by UNIL and use of the anonymised data for statistical purposes). You will also be able to choose whether your report is completely anonymous or whether you wish to indicate your contact details in order to be contacted. The transmission of data according to the selected options is managed by REDCap.