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Communicating in English in an Academic Context for Researchers (module intensif pendant les intersemestres)

Module intensif réservé aux chercheur·eus·es (inclus les doctorant·e·s et étudiant·e·s Master en fin de formation)

Registration (UNIL members)
Registration (HEP Students)

Learning outcomes

  • Prepare and present a poster on an academic topic of one's choice
  • Write a short, clear academic article using an appropriate structure and style
  • Present and discuss data clearly and effectively, focusing appropriate expression; give explanations, present arguments and make comments; ask questions
  • Understand academic talks, using strategies to grasp the main theme, identify key points and understand details
  • Deal with differences in academic culture


Group class, individual work (preparation of a poster, presentation, article, etc.) and feedback from a tutor.

Practical information


Pre-registration dates and deadlines

Only for intersemester courses


Winter intersemester

Summer intersemester

January 13 to 17, 2025

23 to 27 June 2025


1 week (5 days)

4 periods/day (9h00-12h30)

Required level

From B1

Level descriptor

Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community

With a few exceptions

Fees for this specific module

UNIL doctoral students
UNIL researchers
UNIL Teaching staff

CHF 180.-
CHF 240.-